Tuesday, May 16, 2023




Greg Pulles was the long-time general counsel and secretary of TCF Financial Corporation (now merged into Huntington Bank). I worked for Greg in the TCF legal department for 12 years and quickly came to respect his knowledge, foresight, and integrity.

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (the OCC) is the principal regulator of national banks such as TCF. In 1999 Greg took me along with him to meet with counsel for the OCC in the OCC’s Washington office. When Greg left the meeting for a few moments to take a break, the OCC attorney told me that he always looked forward to meeting with Greg because he never failed to learn something from him. Considering the source, I found that to be quite a tribute.

One of the representatives at the House Oversight Committee press conference this morning referred to some 70 Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) filed by banks in connection with the Biden transactions reviewed in the bank records memo released this morning. I called Greg to ask if he would take a look at the memo. We both reviewed a lot of SARs over our years at TCF. Having taken a look at the bank records memo, Greg wrote me the message below the break. Greg writes:

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Just made my first pass through the memo. The bank SARs would make fascinating reading, especially the narrative sections. I assume these were filed by the banks years ago now. Why they were not investigated by the feds earlier we will probably never know. As you know these SARs and Currency Transaction Reports are used by IRS. Maybe they at least triggered Hunter’s payment of taxes on his ill gotten gains.

The SARs show that Hunter Biden is very dirty. There is one Romanian who was clearly engaged in corruption of the highest order—one Gabriel Popoviciu. He had a company in Cyprus called Bladon Enterprises. Bladon paid Robinson Walker LLC $3 million, then Robinson Walker paid Biden family accounts $1.038 million. Hunter Biden supposedly did work for Popoviciu (referrals to the Bois and Freehold firms?). Clearly the Popoviciu payments to Biden were camouflauged with the payment to Robinson Walker. In any case Hunter Biden was getting money from his associate, a Romanian crook while his old man was VP with significant influence in Romania, where he was giving speeches on fighting corruption and influence peddling!

On the China side there are two really bad guys clearly controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Red Army. One is Ye Jianming; the other is his sidekick Gongwen Dong. Both were previously identified by Senators Grassley and Johnson.

The main job these Commies had was bribing foreign leaders and helping get the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative deals done. I’m very familiar with the Italian operation, which ironically caused the Chinese virus killer outbreak in Piedmont in December of 2019.

Before the Chinese took Ye out in 2018 for unknown transgressions, Ye and his sidekick Dong had buddied up with Hunter. Ye and Dong set up LLCs plunking millions into them. Dong and Hunter set one up called Hudson West III. Dong’s companies put in $5 million + Hunter $0. Over time the Hunter companies drew out $4 million. Hunter has claimed he got no money, but the committee memo shows via the SARs that he got $100,000 directly from the Chinese entity.

There’s more, but the bottom line is the committee has shown via the information derived from the SARs that Hunter was directly in bed with bad Chinese Communist Party operatives from whom he and his companies and uncle and other family members got a lot of money — while his old man was VP and in a position to be seriously compromised. Can you imagine in our days at TCF if a bank executive who was dealing with another bank allowed his kid to take millions from that bank for doing nothing but peddling the exec’s influence?

If they can just get some of these players to talk — there is no way these were legitimate business dealings. Hunter had nothing to offer but his father’s influence.


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