Monday, October 21, 2024

Libs Are Melting Down Over Trump's Trip McDonald's and It's Over the Dumbest Reason

Libs Are Melting Down Over Trump's Trip McDonald's and It's Over the Dumbest Reason

Doug Mills/The New York Times via AP, Pool

The trip to McDonald’s in Bucks County, where the former president made French fries and served customers, is causing the Left to melt down, and it’s over the dumbest reason. The man was shot in July, with another lunatic waiting to take shots at him as he golfed in West Palm Beach, Florida, in September. Was anyone expecting unvetted drive-thru customers to grab food from Trump where a crazy person could open fire at point-blank range? 

It's a stunt, they say. Oh man, when Democrats do it, it's a campaign stop, but when we do it better, it's a "stunt." The man got shot, and the Left is expecting no security measures. They cannot be this stupid, but it all feeds into how this man has broken the minds of liberal America and the clowns in the newsrooms. Don’t get irritated about this, folks. Just smile—we’re all watching mental illness.

Cope and seethe, losers. Trump did something extraordinary, and this is how you know the Left realizes it’s a winning moment. Sorry, Democrats, you can’t have nice things because your gal is beyond inauthentic. It sucks to suck.

WATCH: Trump Tears Into Kamala Harris After She Calls Him 'Exhausted,' Points Out Some Inconvenient Facts

WATCH: Trump Tears Into Kamala Harris After She Calls Him 'Exhausted,' Points Out Some Inconvenient Facts

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

With their campaign floundering, Kamala Harris and her handlers believe they've found an effective line of attack: Claiming Trump is too old and "exhausted" to be president. 

The irony is thick given Harris has been a principal enabler of President Joe Biden remaining in office despite his very real senility being on constant display. Still, no one has ever accused the vice president of having any shame. Speaking on Friday, she claimed that Trump is "exhausted on the campaign trail" and isn't "fit for the toughest job in the world."

Of course, there's a lot of context missing in that attack. For starters, Trump is doing far more public appearances and interviews than Harris. For giggles, though, let's say he is "exhausted." So what? Who wouldn't be after the insane schedule he's had the last month or so? 

Meanwhile, Harris barely does anything and then shows up to badmouth the guy who is putting in the work. When you think about it, that's pretty on-brand. We are talking about the laziest person to ever run for the presidency. The fact that she only shows up to take shots is exactly what you'd expect.

That dynamic wasn't lost on Trump, and he tore into the vice president on Friday when a reporter pressed him on the issue. 

REPORTER: Kamala Harris said she thinks you're exhausted. That's why you're canceling events. Are you exhausted? 

TRUMP: What events have I canceled? I haven't canceled. She doesn't go to any events. She's a loser. She didn't even show up for the Catholics last night at the hotel. It was insulting. All they are is soundbites. So today, I was at "Fox and Friends" at seven in the morning. I then went to two different other appearances. I then made about 15 phone calls. I've gone 48 days now without a rest, and I've got that loser who doesn't have the energy of a rabbit. 

Let me tell you something. She should have been last night with the Catholics. So all they do is put out soundbites. Tell me when you've seen me take even a little bit of a rest. Not only am I, I'm not even tired. I'm really exhilarated. You know why? We're killing her in the polls because the American people don't want her. She didn't pass her bar exam. She's not a smart person. She's not a person that should represent our country so I just want to let you know that very clearly.

What we just witnessed was vintage Donald Trump, and he's right. I know it's inconvenient for the Harris campaign, but if anyone is showing a lack of stamina in this race, it's the vice president. She couldn't even be bothered to show up for the Al Smith Dinner on Thursday night, something no presidential candidate but Walter Mondale has ever missed. 

SEE: What Kamala Harris Was Doing Instead of Showing Up for the Al Smith Dinner Tells Us Everything

I don't think anyone is buying what Harris is selling. Everyone can see she's running a far less energetic, far more risk-averse campaign, and someone who is legitimately barnstorming the country has ever right to be tired. THat doesn't make them unqualified to be president, and suggesting that just makes Harris look moronic.

A Staggering 52% Say They're Worse Off Than They Were Four Years Ago—So Why Is This Election So Close?

A Staggering 52% Say They're Worse Off Than They Were Four Years Ago—So Why Is This Election So Close?

Donald Trump, Kamala Harris. (Credit: AP Photo/Matt Rourke/Yuki Iwamura)

It was a question asked by then-GOP candidate Ronald Reagan in 1980 as he smoked Jimmy Carter with one of the most famous lines in debate history: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”

Game over, TKO—the Fat Ludy sung that night.

Now that we’ve endured almost four years of a disastrous Biden-Harris administration, Gallup asked voters the same question, and the results are terrible, horrible, no good, very bad if you’re Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris. A staggering 52 percent said heck no:

More than half of Americans (52%) say they and their family are worse off today than they were four years ago, while 39% say they are better off and 8% volunteer that they are about the same. The 2024 response is most similar to 1992 among presidential election years in which Gallup has asked the question.

In 1992, of course, George H.W. Bush lost to upstart Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton. Forty-six percent of respondents back then indicated they were not better off—a number lower than the current findings, which makes this even more problematic for Kamala's chances.

There’s more bad news for Ms. Harris:

Gallup also noted that its Economic Confidence Index remains at -26, which is “one of the worst election-year readings.” The dissatisfaction comes as respondents listed the economy and inflation as the most important issues facing America. 

“Historical trends suggest that perceptions of personal wellbeing and economic confidence can significantly impact election outcomes. With a majority of Americans feeling they are not better off than four years ago, economic confidence remaining low, and less than half of Americans saying now is a good time to find a quality job, the economy will be an important consideration at the ballot box this year,” Gallup says. “As inflation persists and economic concerns dominate voters’ minds, the upcoming election may hinge on which candidate can best address these pressing issues.”

The reality is that no matter how much the media and the Democrats try to tell us the economy is oh-so-fabulous, any of us who are not super-wealthy feel quite a bit poorer than we did in 2000. Going to the movies, taking your family out to a restaurant, even filling up your car—all these activities have become significantly more painful to our bottom lines because of Bidenflation. Harris of course was the tie-breaking vote on the idiotically named Inflation Reduction Act, so she owns it:

Why then is the election even close? I would argue that A) It simply may not be; polling has significantly undercounted Trump’s support in the last two cycles, B) Many leftists are so committed to their extremist causes that they don’t actually care that the country is in serious decline, and C) the mainstream media lies to the American people regularly, and basically is an arm of the Democrat party. As much progress as we’ve made with conservative media, a huge portion of people still rely on legacy outlets and blindly vacuum up whatever they’re told. I know members of my own family who wouldn’t argue over the articles and facts we print here at RedState—they would just deny those facts even existed. "I didn't see that," they'd say, as if that made it not true.

Many of them have never heard of the Hunter Biden laptop story, much less the latest CBS News scandal where the outlet was caught red-handed trying to influence voters’ opinions of Kamala.

It sounds crazy, but talk to anyone who depends on The New York Times and CNN for their news, and you’ll quickly see what I’m talking about. They literally know about half of what you do if you’re a regular reader here.

Even the gaslighting media and the Democrat Party are having a tough time selling this startlingly awful candidate, however. Make sure you and yours vote and prevent her from ever sitting behind the Resolute Desk.

And keep your browser pointed to RedState.

The Collapse of Kamala Harris

The Collapse of Kamala Harris

Josh Hammer

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

On July 26, in the aftermath of the Democratic Party's ruthless midsummer coup of their own democratically elected presidential nominee, this column predicted that the elevation of dimwitted cackler-in-chief Kamala Harris to the party's presidential slot would "spectacularly backfire." More specifically, I wrote: "Practically, the path to winning 270 Electoral College votes still runs through the Rust Belt states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. It is frankly bizarre for Democrats to swap out the man who talks ceaselessly about his hardscrabble Scranton upbringing for a Californian who boasts the most left-wing voting record of any presidential nominee in modern history."

I'm feeling pretty good these days about that prognosis.

Harris recently campaigned in Erie, Pennsylvania -- a crucial regional hub in this election cycle's most important battleground state. Conspicuously absent from that snoozefest was incumbent Sen. Bob Casey Jr. (D-Pa.). Harris tried to pass off the snub as a nothingburger, suggesting that Casey was doing the more important work of knocking on doors and getting out the vote. This doesn't pass the laugh test. Facing a spirited challenge from Republican hopeful Dave McCormick, Casey has clearly concluded that Harris' immense Bay Area lefty baggage -- her history of endorsing the Green New Deal, a national fracking ban and crippling electric vehicle mandates -- is an electoral albatross around his neck.

It's tough to blame Casey. Other vulnerable Senate Democratic incumbents, such as Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.), reached the same conclusion a while ago. Such a conclusion makes a great deal of sense: A recent Marist national general election poll, for instance, shows Trump up a whopping 10 points on Harris with registered independents. If that margin ends up being anywhere near accurate, it is extraordinarily difficult to see a scenario in which Trump loses.

Harris has recently been engaging in what the psychology profession calls "projection," ludicrously criticizing Donald Trump for avoiding the media when it was actually Harris who infamously avoided a single one-on-one sit-down interview for weeks on end following the Biden coup. In reality, Trump recently sat down for two interviews with Time magazine, whose owner is a vocal Harris donor. Harris declined a Time interview, nonetheless. Prior to this week's desperate, last-second change of course, which saw her sit down with Fox News' Bret Baier, Harris had only deigned to sit down with the most obsequious media imaginable.

One can only wonder how bad the Harris-Walz internal polling must be to impel her to ditch the far-left "Call Her Daddy" podcast and the friendly ladies of "The View" for the considerably more mainstream Baier. Desperate times sure call for desperate measures. Democrats routinely blast Republicans as misogynistic, but their own chronic misandry is so bad that Kamala is apparently considering a sit-down with podcast king Joe Rogan, whose own brand of woke-skeptical irreverence sharply clashes with Harris' identity politics obsessions and overt race-based pandering. The tables sure have turned. Will the last person hanging around Harris-Walz campaign headquarters please turn off the lights?

Snark aside, this race isn't over yet. But the Harris-Walz camp cannot possibly be feeling too good right now, either.

Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for their predicament. Throughout this interminable campaign season, they have studiously avoided substantive discussion of the four issues that Americans consistently tell pollsters are most important to them this cycle: the economy, inflation, immigration and crime. Instead, they have repeatedly attempted to shift the electoral terrain back to the few issues that poll in their favor: namely, abortion and the Jan. 6 jamboree at the Capitol. In this, they have completely failed. The American people still care above all about the same four basic quality-of-life issues that they have cared the most about for years now. It is Democrats' own fault that they are so woefully out of touch with the voters' sentiments on those issues and that the Biden-Harris administration's track record polls as poorly as it does.

Perhaps, if the Harris-Walz ticket does go down in flames, Democrats will pause and take a long, hard look in the mirror. Perhaps they will recognize that promising late-term abortion is a peculiar way to pander to women, that pledging mass amnesty for illegal aliens is a counterproductive way to pander to Hispanics, and that dangling marijuana legalization is an outright offensive way to pander to Blacks. Perhaps. But if history is any indication, they probably won't.