Saturday, September 10, 2022

Most want Biden impeached, see GOP dropping ball

Most want Biden impeached, see GOP dropping ball

A majority of voters, including a third of Democrats, support efforts to impeach unpopular President Joe Biden, the latest president to face the nation’s harshest criticism.

In a new Rasmussen Reports survey, voters by a margin of 52%-42% support impeachment. That includes 77% of Republicans, 50% of independents, and 32% of Democrats.

But in a related question about Republican promises to make good on impeachment threats, expectations for action are down on the chances the GOP will follow through.

Rasmussen found that 47% believe it is likely that the Republicans in the House will vote to impeach versus 43% that don’t. A third of Republicans said it was unlikely that the GOP would vote to impeach.

“Support for impeaching Biden is highest among voters 40-64, who are also most likely to think that if Republicans win in the midterms, they actually will impeach the president. Retirees are least supportive of impeaching Biden,” said the polling analysis shared with Secrets.

The survey follows another that said more voters view the midterm elections as a referendum on Biden. In that survey, most said that Biden should change course if he loses control of Congress.

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