Saturday, December 31, 2022




Who is America’s biggest enemy? It is a sign of our current polarization that many think our greatest enemy is not Russia or China, but our fellow Americans. Rasmussen asked the question, with six multiple choice answers:

Asked to identify America’s greatest enemy, nearly 40% of voters don’t choose a foreign power, but instead name domestic political parties

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 25% of Likely U.S. voters believe that China is America’s biggest enemy as 2022 draws to a close, while 20% think Russia is the biggest enemy. However, 22% say Democrats are the nation’s biggest enemy and 17% name Republicans – dwarfing such hostile powers as North Korea (5%) and Iran (2%).

This isn’t entirely new; in fact, in 2020 it was worse:

Two years ago, 24% thought Biden voters were America’s biggest enemy, while 22% regarded Trump voters as the biggest enemy.

This is a sad situation, but I can understand it. In my opinion, the greatest threat to my children’s future is not Russia, China, Iran or North Korea, but the Democratic Party. Currently, Russia is trying to starve Ukraine of fossil fuels and destroy its agriculture. That is also what the Democrats are trying to do to the United States. So I get it. Just don’t ask me to explain why 17 percent say Republicans are the biggest threat.

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