Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The 'Kill Trump' Rhetoric Is Getting Worse

The 'Kill Trump' Rhetoric Is Getting Worse


"Extinguish Trump for good."

Those are the words of the sitting Secretary of Commerce to the viewers of MSNBC. 

"Extinguish." "For good." Seems very clear to me. 

How about the current President of the United States miming the squashing of Donald Trump like a bug as he joins the harridans of The View? It's not quite the founder of The Lincoln Project actually calling on people to "put a bullet" in Donald Trump, but it's pretty obvious what he meant. 

Democrats decry Donald Trump's rhetoric every moment of the day, but the fact is that it is they who keep invoking the imagery of a dead Donald Trump, both before and after two assassination attempts on his life. 

It's almost like they were calling for somebody to kill him, and when two assassins fail they keep asking others to step in and do the job. 

Generally speaking, I am not a big fan of accusing people of inspiring violence through heated rhetoric. It's usually a cheap and easy smear to deploy, asserting guilt by association. 

Except these guys keep on talking about "eliminating," "extinguishing," and even shooting Donald Trump. The language is pretty explicit and just short of directly asking that Trump get killed. 

"Put a bullet" in Donald Trump is, after all, explicit. And even after Rick Wilson said it his organization gets donations pouring into it, and they are putting ads on the TV. Democrats aren't running away from that rhetoric but towards it. 

Donating money to an organization headed by a man who says that means you support the message. And, to be honest, a lot of Democrats do. In a poll after the assassination attempt, 28% of Democrats said the country would be better off if Trump were killed. 

Democrats' political strategy against Trump is simple: turn him into a demon in the eyes of the American people. He is Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin all in one. 

As the Democrats ship money to Iran--a country that is recruiting assassins in the United States to kill Trump, they keep the rhetoric at a level that is unprecedented in modern history. 

Their language is unambiguous and unrelenting. It is not accidental or spontaneous. It is a steady drumbeat telling people that Trump is a threat to their lives and freedoms and he must be "extinguished."

MSNBC seems to exist mainly to incite hatred and violence toward Trump and 'MAGA Republicans." Every moment of every day is dedicated to spewing hatred and propaganda, spreading lies and hoaxes, and encouraging people to hate their fellow Americans. 

Especially Donald Trump. 

What is remarkable is that Republicans are taking all this metaphorical and literal incoming fire and remaining focused on winning the election. There is no call for revenge, just an unrelenting focus on pushing these murderous people out of power. 

"Journalists" sit next to people and sagely nod at the most outrageous calls to violence against Trump. It is sickening. 

But it makes me even more determined to humiliate them at the ballot box. 

We can't sit this one out. We can't be passive and accept that our political leaders and media elite are fundamentally corrupt and power-hungry. We can't let them be rewarded for aiming deranged lunatics at our once and future president. 

We have a country to save. It's time to toss the sociopaths out of power. We'll be better off for it, and academia will have the opportunity to snap up some more Democrats to corrupt the next generation. 


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