Sunday, October 13, 2024

Who’s Threatening Whom?

Who’s Threatening Whom?

by John Hinderaker in DemocratsJudiciaryLeftismLiberals

Joe Biden says that Donald Trump’s “very dangerous” rhetoric is likely to lead to political violence. What is he talking about? I don’t know. Whatever Trump says about the Democrats, they say much worse about him.

And of course it is Trump, not Kamala Harris, who has been the subject of two assassination attempts. Democrats like to warn against political violence, but when it happens, it nearly always is committed by them.

Here is another instance: a death threat against Judge Aileen Cannon, the Florida federal judge who correctly dismissed the classified documents case against President Trump. She has been the object of a campaign of vilification by Democrats:

Democrats and their media allies have been lambasting Cannon, a Trump appointee, since she was assigned to preside over the Biden-Harris Justice Department’s prosecution of Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents case, and they have been apoplectic since July, when Cannon dismissed the indictment.

This past Thursday, Eric James Rennert was arrested based on a six-count indictment charging him with threatening to assault, kidnap, and murder a federal judge and that judge’s family in Florida’s St. Lucie County. The indictment does not name the judge. Nevertheless, as the New York Post reports, Cannon is the only judge who sits in the Fort Pierce courthouse in St. Lucie County.

At the link, Andy McCarthy details the Democrats’ shameful smear campaign against Judge Cannon, which has culminated in this assassination threat.

And that isn’t all. Reuters tells us that a Texas woman “was sentenced to more than three years in prison in February after admitting to threatening Cannon.” The Democrats’ vicious campaign has borne fruit which I suspect was intended.

More: Alaskan Panos Anastasiou has been indicted for threatening six Supreme Court justices:

In an indictment filed on Wednesday, prosecutors allege that Panos Anastasiou, 76, began sending over 450 messages in March 2023 intended for six of the justices, as well as two of their family members. In January 2024, those messages allegedly began “to convey threats of harm.”

“The messages contained violent, racist, and homophobic rhetoric coupled with threats of assassination via torture, hanging, and firearms, and encouraged others to participate in the acts of violence,” the indictment reads.

Prosecutors allege that some of the messages “were intended to intimidate” and retaliate against actions the justices had taken as part of their official duties on the court.

The six justices are not identified in the indictment, but one of them is obviously Clarence Thomas, and the other five are easy to infer. This pattern of threats against judges who do not do the Democrats’ bidding is obviously the result of the vicious smears that prominent Democrats, up to and including the President, have launched over the last several years, including specific incitements to violence by the likes of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

I think the Democrats are deliberately conveying the message to Americans, most of whom are not interested in dying for their political beliefs, that it is dangerous to be a Republican. It is hazardous to your health to cross the Left.

Well, to be honest, it can be. Just ask Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Or, even more pertinently, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise. Or you could ask me: my organization’s office was destroyed by firebombing in January. But some of us are ornery enough to consider the Left’s campaign of violence just one more reason to fight them.

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