Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Happy Birthday, Christopher Columbus

Happy Birthday, Christopher Columbus

by John Hinderaker in Anti-AmericanismHistoryHolidaysTim Walz

These days, that seems to be a minority sentiment. Kamala Harris, for one, supports replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples’ Day, an early harbinger of the DEI fiasco that later engulfed the U.S. Here is Kamala:

Far from representing “honesty,” erasing Columbus’s discovery of America in favor of honoring unspecified indigenous peoples is another way of saying that the discovery of America was a mistake. A tragedy. Something that never should have happened.

The same anti-American impulse reigned when Tim Walz’s administration replaced the old Minnesota state seal with a new one. The old seal was traditional: it depicted a pioneer, an Indian, a setting sun, a waterfall and pine trees, and included the state’s motto, “L’Etoile du Nord,” and the year 1858, when Minnesota joined the Union, just in time to play a heroic role in the Civil War.

In the new seal, the pioneer, the Indian and the motto are gone, replaced with a loon. And the year of statehood has been removed. Why? Because 1858 is a “traumatic date,” “not something to honor.” Erasing Columbus is just like erasing the date of statehood. These are vengeful anti-American acts. They say that it would have been better if the USA had never existed.

Finally, we can’t leave Minnesota without remembering that Tim Walz’s administration oversaw the toppling and removal from the State Capitol grounds of a statue of Columbus that had been in place since 1931. Walz and his far-left administration looked on this act of anti-American vandalism with approval. My organization has campaigned to return the statue to its rightful place. Bill Walsh writes:

A great way to celebrate Columbus Day in Minnesota would be to return the statue of Christopher Columbus to its rightful place on the State Capitol grounds. Those with a newfound interest in covering Gov. Tim Walz might want to revisit his role in standing by while his supporters pulled the statue down. Instead of protecting the statue from vandalism, the State Patrol was deployed moments after it came crashing down.

Those around the country who are observing Tim Walz for the first time have no doubt noticed a pattern.


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