Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Left-Leaning Parents Are Teaching Their Kids to Hate

Left-Leaning Parents Are Teaching Their Kids to Hate

AP Photo/Denis Poroy

A recent CNN study has shed light on a troubling trend: left-leaning parents are instilling a deep-seated animosity toward Republicans in their children. The segment highlighted the findings, which revealed stark polarization among kids based on their parents' political beliefs. The study found that Democrat-leaning children expressed extreme negative feelings about Donald Trump compared to their Republican counterparts’ relatively mild sentiments toward Kamala Harris.

“Democrat-leaning kids were about nine times more likely to express negative emotions about Donald Trump than Republican-leaning kids were about Kamala Harris,” the narrator revealed.

One boy researchers interviewed for the study asserted, “Donald Trump, he did bad things. He’s like Hitler,” illustrating just how extreme the rhetoric has become. 

Another child expressed her belief that Trump only wanted to be president to control everyone, while yet another remarked on the January 6 events with a mix of confusion and disdain, calling it a day with "a bunch of Republicans believing Trump."

Psychologist Ashley Landrum, who analyzed the responses, suggested that the intensity of these sentiments is a reaction to how their parents perceive Trump.

Well, duh.

“Donald Trump is a very polarizing figure,” she noted, pointing to the stark differences in how red-state kids engage with political figures. She suggested that the kids know less about Kamala Harris and thus have less intense feelings about her.

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The divide extends beyond mere opinions. When asked about friendships across political lines, Republican-leaning children showed more openness to visiting households that support Democratic views. In contrast, Democrat-leaning kids were five times more likely to refuse a visit to a pro-Trump household. 

Another boy bluntly stated that his parents wouldn’t let him go to a Trump-supporting house because “my mom and dad don’t like Donald Trump at all. Not a single bit.”

In a particularly revealing moment, Landrum asked a black boy from a Democrat household whether he would feel comfortable visiting a Trump-supporting household. His response was extremely telling: “No."

When Landrum asked why, he said it was because he assumed that a Trump-supporting household would be racist.

“Because they know that he doesn’t like black people, so they would not be happy [sic] to me,” he said.

It’s ironic that Democrats who claim to value tolerance are actually instilling a level of bigotry in their own children. Meanwhile, kids with Republican-leaning parents were far more tolerant.

The home environment is shaping these children’s views, driving them toward either acceptance (if they have Republican parents) or intense hostility (if they have Democrat parents). Sadly, Democrat parents are fostering a generation conditioned to harbor deep-seated animosity toward political opponents rather than promoting an understanding of differing perspectives. This isn’t just a minor concern; it’s a recipe for a society even more divided than is currently is.


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