Friday, October 11, 2024

Scott Jennings Cooks Obama for Chastising Men Over Harris, Reveals Big Issue for Democrats

Scott Jennings Cooks Obama for Chastising Men Over Harris, Reveals Big Issue for Democrats

AP Photo/Larry Downing, Pool

As RedState reported on Thursday, Barack Obama held his first rally in support of Kamala Harris since she stabbed Joe Biden in the back and snatched the nomination without winning a single vote. As expectations go, they were met. 

Obama did what he always does, wagging his finger at black men for not blindly supporting Harris. In doing so, he brought out his "I'm from the streets" demeanor, using the word "brothas" while stating that Donald Trump "didn't do nothing."

SEE: Obama Insults Black Men for Not Supporting Kamala Harris

Obama spent every waking moment of his presidency blaming George W. Bush, but the moment he left office, everything good to follow after was his doing. How very convenient. By that logic, the current economy, which Kamala Harris insists is amazing, belongs to Trump, right? 

Regardless, Scott Jennings responded to Obama's tut-tutting on CNN, and in doing so, he hit on the biggest issue facing Democrats with male voters. 

JENNINGS: This is a political party that thinks gender is just a state of mind, and now all of a sudden they're like, "Oh my God, we have a problem with moderate, biological males." Who is surprised about this? 

(Break in segment)

JENNINGS: This stop he made and this plea that he's making to African American men. He said today, he insulted them. First of all, he admits that they aren't enthusiastic about her. He said, "You just aren't feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you're coming up with other alternatives and reasons for that." 

And I think, one thing we've seen about Democrats over the years is that when they can't convince you to do something, they begin to insult you. Obama specifically, when he was having trouble with rural voters in PA, go back all the way into his campaigns, he insulted them about their culture and values. I don't think it's helpful to insult a group of people who are already not enthusiastic about your campaign, but I think that's what he did today. 

(Break in segment)

JENNINGS: The story tonight is they're struggling with men, Obama's insulting men, and they're out saying let's fix it by sending Tim Walz out and hiring Mitt Romney.

Here's a bit of what Jennings is referring to when he mentions "sending Tim Walz out." Desperate to appeal to male voters who are abandoning them, the Harris campaign has decided to have the Minnesota governor shoot a gun and go to a football game. Surely, that'll change hearts and minds.

I'll return to Jennings' comments momentarily because they are important, but the above is a textbook case of trying to make fetch happen. How much more evidence is needed to prove that Walz does not have any special appeal with men? 

Republicans have been warning about this since the moment he was put on the ticket. The guy is a weirdo who has built a career on mischaracterizations and outright falsehoods. He's now playing the role of "dumb TV sitcom dad," running around trying to find bags of Doritos for Harris. No man on the fence looks at Walz and finds him relatable. There's a reason all the men who stump for "White Dudes for Harris" are upper-crust liberals who think they need to check their "privilege."  

But again, Jennings nailed the big issue here. When Democrats can't convince people to do what they want, they turn to insults. Obama's patronizing tone was not surprising because that's what he always does, and it's what so many Democrat politicians always do. Does anyone think the former president speaks like that while hanging out at his mansion on Martha's Vineyard?

The reason Harris isn't resonating with men is not because she's a woman. It's because her policies have led to negative outcomes for far too many men, and they find the finger-wagging over it to be demeaning. Trotting Tim Walz out more isn't going to change that. Only true outreach might and Democrats are not capable of that.

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