Sunday, October 13, 2024

Donald Trump and Elon Musk Are Improbable Working-Class Class Heroes

Donald Trump and Elon Musk Are Improbable Working-Class Class Heroes

Kurt Schlichter

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

It seems bizarre that a couple of guys with a few hundred billion dollars between them are the voice of America’s working class, but that’s what they are. And it’s not like they’re pretending. They’re not pulling some scam or trick. Both of them really believe in what they’ve been saying. You know it because they’ve been saying it forever. With Donald Trump, his politics are pretty much the same conservative-Jacksonian-populist (yeah, that’s a thing) politics he’s always had, even though his party affiliation has switched. The same with Elon Musk. Elon Musk is no regular conservative. He has just always believed in things like free enterprise, free speech, and small government – you know, the same things the nominally conservative conservatives always talk about but never get around to conserving.

And you know what? Working people appreciate that. These guys haven’t changed. Their old party did. It started holding the working class in contempt and has sought to silence, disarm, and disenfranchise its members. Neither Donald nor Elon signed on for that.

Working class Americans also appreciate the fact that these guys actually build things. This is important. Today, the Democrats – the party of many of the working class until recent decades – are the technocrat party. It’s the party of HR directors, consultants, unionized teachers, lawyers, government bureaucrats, welfare bums, weirdos, climate fanatics and others who add only friction as opposed to value. They never build anything. They never make anything. They barely do anything except whine, complain, make up rules, and try to boss other people around.

But Donald Trump and Elon Musk make things, and that resonates with working people. As the great Salena Zito, one of America’s last real reporters, noted in her story about her amazing scoop interviewing both Trump and Musk after the President’s triumphant return to Butlerville, normal people respect these two because they actually create tangible objects. This is an incredible insight that the regime media totally missed.

Donald Trump built buildings. They are huge buildings, enormous undertakings, put together by rough men and tough women doing hard, sweaty work. And when he’s finished, there’s a monument there, a building that will last for generations. Elon Musk is no different except for what he builds. His Tesla cars are fantastic. His Starlink system is saving lives right now in flood-ravaged Appalachia. His SpaceX rockets actually work.

These guys build stuff. And that’s what the working class does. It makes things. It builds things. It creates things besides rules, regulations, paperwork, and hassles. Americans respect that.

And Americans want more of that. We used to make things in this country. We were the Arsenal of Democracy during World War II. Sure, our soldiers and allied soldiers were brave and heroic and did remarkable things, earning our eternal gratitude. But they couldn’t have done it without America’s engine of production pumping out endless streams of beans and bullets, fuel and fighters, wheat and medicine. Working Americans not only supplied the American Army but the British Army, the Free French Army, and much of the Russian Army. The Nazis and the Japanese lost at the point of a bayonet, but behind that bayonet was a tsunami of goods. Captured Germans used to talk about how they were terrified to fire their artillery because, as soon as they did, the Americans would return fire and just overwhelm them with shells. Now we have barely enough 155mm shells to support our Army, and we’re depleting our stocks to support wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. Why? Because we stopped building enough of them. The geniuses running our institutions decided the Industrial Age was over – welcome to the Age of Paperwork and Zoom Meetings. But sadly, we’re learning the hard way that you can’t blow the hell out of a Russian motor rifle regiment or a Hezbollah missile factory with a TPS report.

America doesn’t build stuff anymore, not the way it once did. The Chinese communists fill the void. They have exponentially more shipbuilding capacity than we do, and now they have more ships than we do. Did you know there is one Chinese shipyard that has more building capacity than every single American shipyard still in existence? During World War II, we put out a liberty ship every three days. We had thousands of ships, thousands of fighters, millions of well-equipped and fed troops. And we just let that manufacturing capacity go away. 

The smart people, you know, the ones are all on the vibe and the brat with Kamala Harris, decided making things was dirty and messy and far beneath us. These are the people who decided everybody should get a couple extra years of college instead of working with their hands. What should’ve happened is that a lot of young people should have gotten useful and profitable jobs in the trades, actually building things rather than sitting in class, eyes glazed over, as some man-bunned grad student drones on and on about systemic racism, gender identities, and transphobia.

The Smart Set thought it would be a great idea to outsource our ability to build things. They’d let the Third World take over manufacturing. China was part of the Third World when that started. Now it’s part of the First World. Now it’s a peer competitor. We sent our capacity to them. We just gave it to them. Why? Our glorious elite believes actually making things and building things is unworthy, so they let foreigners do it. Now we can’t do it. We’ve lost the capacity. But the people know that Donald Trump and Elon Musk will bring it back.

Kamala Harris certainly won’t bring it back. She and her folks hate the working class. It’s too real. It’s not cerebral enough to understand how a man can become a woman by the power of wanting. A few diehards think the Democrat Party is still about the New Deal, but the rest are all about the Green New Deal, which is really about paying China to build solar panels, stopping us from digging up the energy the Lord blessed us with from our own soil, and paying off connected liberal constituents with grants.

It seems bizarre that these two billionaires would be so loved by people who have to shower after they work, but it makes sense. Trump, in an expensive suit and tie every single time you see him, is authentic. He doesn’t change regardless of the context and the audience. You won’t see him out there in short sleeves shoveling dirt. That’s not who he is, and he doesn’t pretend to be who he is not. He is authentic, and what’s also authentic about him is his love for the folks who actually built this country, who feed it, who fuel it, and who defend it.

Elon Musk is a guy with a California vibe. You won’t see him in a suit and tie all the time because that’s not who he is. He’s an eccentric genius who loves to build things. He builds companies, and those companies make stuff. He employs a lot of people who make stuff.

And the people who make stuff are the heart and soul of this country. The friends of Kamala Harris will tell you that they are dumb and that they’re being fooled and exploited by two rich guys. Not true. The people know exactly who Donald Trump and Elon Musk are, and that’s why they have made these two into unlikely working-class heroes.

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