Saturday, May 25, 2024

You Know Biden's Open Border Is Bad When Even People Who Crossed Illegally are Giving This Warning

You Know Biden's Open Border Is Bad When Even People Who Crossed Illegally are Giving This Warning


During a Democrat debate before becoming his party's nominee for president, Joe Biden said loud and clear that if he were to be elected people should "immediately surge to the border" and enter the U.S.:


And guess what happened next! Biden later took office, rescinded dozens of Trump EOs that were helping secure the border, and the number of illegal crossings and gotaways skyrocketed.

The floodgates remain open, all with the blessing of the Biden administration: 

Anybody with even a room-temperature IQ would be able to spot the inherent danger in the WH's dereliction of duty at the border, but Biden and the Dems have other reasons for allowing this to happen.

It's gotten so bad that even people crossing the border are serving up warnings about how stupid this policy is. Fox News' Bill Melugin spoke to one: 

You'd think the U.S. president would also be "worried" about national security, but that's not happening.

You can't make this stuff up. Unfortunately with the Biden White House in charge, you don't have to.

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