Thursday, May 2, 2024

Surge of Violent Transgenders Highlights Democrats’ Violent Ideology

Surge of Violent Transgenders Highlights Democrats’ Violent Ideology

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

As a new story of a transgender student planning or committing violence seems to emerge every few days, it’s time to state an obvious fact: leftist ideology deliberately encourages hatred and violence.

From Antifa domestic terrorists to transgender radicals to pro-Hamas protestors, the American Left clearly has a serious violence problem. The very same people who execrate peaceful Jan. 6 protestors for snapping selfies in the Capitol think themselves virtuous for screaming genocidal slogans, looting businesses, and assaulting their political opponents. The woke Marxism that has overtaken our institutions is not only dishonest and corrupting, it is also physically dangerous.

Libs of TikTok posted on April 26:

In just the last few weeks:

-A trans student hospitalized a female student in PA

-A trans middle schooler wrote a "hit list" of 45 other students in MA

-A trans student repeatedly punched a girl at IN school

-A trans student was arrested for planned mass sh*oting in MA

What is going on in our public school systems?

I can answer that: woke leftism. The first incident mentioned above refers to a biological male pretending to be a girl who viciously beat up a female middle schooler with a Stanley Cup. The young girl went to the hospital with a head injury. The trans dude reportedly had a “hit list” of students to target. The second incident appears to be about an unidentified transgender protected  by the school district, who made a hit list of families and staff.

The overall point is that the wokeism that has poisoned the education system is encouraging students to be angry, irrational, and destructive. “Transgenders” or minorities or student activists are encouraged to believe that not only should they be furious, but they should believe themselves virtuous for acting on that fury. The college students screaming to kill Jews and the trans freaks mentioned above think they are not only justified but heroic.

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Democrats have smeared Trump supporters and traditional Catholics as extremist domestic terrorists, arrested and persecuted Jan. 6 protesters and pro-lifers, and claimed Republicans (even black Republicans) are white supremacists. Leftists have pretended that not using made-up LGBTQ pronouns or identities is literal “violence.” Are we really surprised that zealous acolytes of the woke cult take up weapons and try to injure, maim, or kill those individuals whom they believe are as bad as or worse than Hitler?

Unfortunately, the violence will only worsen as long as Democrats are in control. They are desperate to stamp out all political and religious dissent from their insane ideology once and for all, and their rhetoric becomes more virulent by the week, especially as it seems Donald Trump could win the 2024 election. That’s precisely why this election, and the ongoing culture war, are so vitally important.

The woke mind virus is deadly — not just for those infected by it, but for everyone they perceive as their enemies, which means everyone who isn’t as brainwashed as they are.

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