Wednesday, May 29, 2024




Hunter Biden’s laptop presents as a case study of the cooperation among the mainstream media — I would give pride of place to Natasha Bertrand and Politico, but they had a lot of company — the Democratic Party, and the deep state in the service of Our Democracy™, or Their Democracy.

This week the Biden Department of Justice vouched for the authenticity of the laptop in its prosecution of Chairman Joe’s son. What are we to make of this? Miranda Devine writes in the cover story of today’s New York Post:

The evolution of Hunter Biden laptop denial over the last three and a half years has been mind-boggling.

You need a chart to keep up.

First the laptop was a non-story (thanks, NPR).

The evolution of Hunter Biden laptop denial is hard to believe.

Then it was “hacked material” (thanks, Twitter).

Then it was “Russian disinformation” (thanks, CIA).

Then it was a “Russian plant” (thanks, Joe Biden).

Then it was “stolen” by Russians.

Then it was “hacked by Rudy Giuliani” (thanks, Kevin “Sugar Brother” Morris).

And now it is the backbone of the prosecution case against the first son in the felony gun trial he faces in Delaware in a little over a week.

Yes, the Hunter Biden laptop is evidence of a crime in more ways than one.

James Clapper, Michael Hayden, John Brennan and the rest of the Deep State 51 could not be reached for comment. Speaking for them, I should say they were glad to be of service and they would do it all over again if called upon in the service of Their Democracy.

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