Texas Ranchers Go to War With CDC Over Bird Flu Terror
I have speculated before at PJ Media that part of the perceived benefit of pushing the bird flu terror — which has ramped up in the last couple of weeks — is the controlled demolition of the meat and dairy industries, a long-held aim of the technocrats.
Related: Breaking Down the Bird Flu Terror Campaign
If they can’t ram through the agenda via Climate Change™ terror — an avenue they’re also pursuing — then bird flu terror will do just fine.
A rose by any other name…
Whatever the narrative, the key is terror and all of the state emergency power that it confers.
Unfortunately for them, elements of state and local governments and agricultural interest groups have resisted cooperation with the CDC to scour the American agricultural sector for the virus.
Via Politico (emphasis added):
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is at odds with state officials and the dairy industry over its on-the-ground response to the avian flu outbreak spreading among dairy cows, complicating President Joe Biden’s efforts to track and contain a virus* that has the potential to sicken millions of people.
Many farmers don’t want federal health officials on their property. State agriculture officials worry the federal response is sidelining animal health experts at the Agriculture Department, and also that some potential federal interventions threaten to hinder state and local health officials rushing to respond to the outbreaks.
“It’s overreach. They don’t need to do that. They need to back off,” Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, a former rodeo cowboy who is a possible pick to lead the USDA if former President Donald Trump wins the presidential election, said in an interview.
*We must note here that, far from “tracking and containing” bird flu, the permanent biomedical state under Biden is actively facilitating the eventual outbreak of a more dangerous bird flu capable of infecting and killing humans.
Via White Coat Waste Project (emphasis added):
In February, a White Coat Waste Project (WCW) investigation exposed how the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has wasted at least $1 million of taxpayers’ money on an ongoing collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party-controlled Chinese Academy of Sciences (the Wuhan animal lab’s parent organization) and a Wuhan lab white coat on dangerous bird flu gain-of-function experiments.
(Several lawmakers, apparently without a bird flu death wish — souped-up bird flu isn’t going to stop at the D.C. gates — have demanded accountability on the Brandon entity’s bird flu experimentation, so far to no avail.)
Related: Is Congressional Action to Stop Bird Flu Gain-of-Function Research Underway?
Continuing via Politico:
Texas, the first state where the bird flu virus was detected, has not invited the CDC to conduct epidemiological field studies there, even though its health department is open to the research, because, “We haven’t found a dairy farm that is interested in participating,” said Lara Anton, a spokesperson for the Texas Department of State Health Services.
The resistance of dairy farmers is emblematic of the trust gap between key agriculture players in both red and blue states and federal health officials — one that public health experts fear could hamper the nation’s ability to head off the virus’ threat to humans.
What is the upside for a dairy farmer to invite these snakes onto his property, only to have them scare up a bird flu positive test using a sketchy PCR test kit — notoriously inaccurate as a diagnostic method — and then watch the government kill all of his livestock and leave his livelihood a smoldering ruin Waco-style?
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