Sunday, September 29, 2024

There Are a Trillion Reasons Why They Want Trump Dead

There Are a Trillion Reasons Why They Want Trump Dead

Russian Presidential Press Service and Ukrainian Presidential Press Office via AP

If you're like me, you need to know the real reason why Democrats and other crazies want former President Donald Trump out of the way or, more prosaically, dead, either in body or politics. 

Look, we know that the ridiculous, fuzzy, and most certainly focus-grouped turn of phrase "threat to democracy" is nonsense. We know they can't mean it because they're not all complete idiots. Rather than threaten democracy, Trump himself has done more than most presidents to preserve democracy. While Trump didn't have anything to do with the implosion of Roe v. Wade at the Supreme Court level beyond choosing Supreme Court appointees (to mixed reviews), the court sent the issue of abortion to American voters. That's sounds democracy-ish, no? 

For every regulation passed by Congress during Trump's administration, he removed at least eight from the Federal Registry. The smaller the government, the bigger the individual. That's an essential element of democracy. 

Trump spent lots of money on the coronavirus, but even though I think he got rolled by the expert class on the pandemic, at least Trump had grown the economy to pay for his expenditures. 

He's done a lot more for democracy, but you get the picture.

So what's this "threat to democracy" kapok really about? Besides being the turn of phrase preferred by the Deep State or The Blob that oversees the Censorship-Industrial Complex, we need some specifics. See more about this censorship issue in my piece, "Here's How Sinister the Deep State 'Blob' Censorship Operation Really Is." Don't miss it. That's an order. 

We know "threat to democracy" is a euphemism for the threat to "Democrats' raw power," but there's more to it. In fact, there are a trillion more reasons for it. 

Finally, someone has provided a concise, meaningful, realpolitik answer for why the Deep State/The Blob/the Democrats want Trump dead one way or the other. It explains the anti-Trump letter signed by 700 former State Department and military folks who work for Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, the oil and gas industry, or some organization getting big federal dollars. Read about the letter in my piece, "The Latest 'We Hate Trump' Election Letter Is Full of Liars, Spyers, and Cryers."

In an interview on the Shawn Ryan podcast, Mike Benz, a former State Department lawyer who now advocates for digital free speech, says Trump's neutrality on the war in Ukraine and his hopes for a peace agreement have put the Republicans at odds with The Blob.

Trump's peace hopes have deeply angered the Pentagon, State Department, and the rest of the Deep State Blob because he's willing to talk to Putin—hence the "Putin asset" slur. The Blob hopes to claw back the Donbas and other oil-rich areas of Ukraine that Benz says are under contract to American oil companies and currently under the control of Russia. 

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The Blob's censorship programs, which were heralded in the U.S. with the Russia collusion information operation, are designed to shut up Trump and his supporters on social media.

The mass media are conduits of the selected messages of The Blob. This is why The New York Times receives selective intelligence community scoops, The Washington Post has given cover to CIA operations from the spy agency's inception, including the Watergate break-in, why NBC's Ken Dilanian is the usual press agent for intelligence information and disinformation operations, and why the media bought lock, stock, and smoking barrel the Russia collusion, Alfa Bank, insurrection, "threat to democracy," and other anti-Trump disinformation operations. 

Censorship, disinformation, COVID lockdowns and their excesses, and excuses for changing election laws in swing states are why Trump didn't win the 2020 election against a Sleepy Joe sitting in his basement, playing with his blocks, and slurring his words. Take a bow, Blob.

And now that you know what these information operations look like and in what form they take, here's why The Blob is running them against Trump and would like him to go away permanently.

This gas biz in Ukraine is a trillion-dollar industry. That's why Trump is  a "threat to democracy." Add in Ukraine's trillion-dollar mineral deposits, and Trump just might have to die for having a differing opinion about the war. 

"It's a trillion-dollar market and neutrality like Trump was talking about could ruin the Bush dynasty," Benz told Ryan. "And the Soros dynasty. Soros is a major player in Halliburton. Halliburton is Dick Cheney's company where he was the chairman and CEO that owns the refining rights to it all."

The Donbas shale field, which is full of Russians and their troops, has been the most contested region in the Ukraine War. 

The U.S. even staged a coup in 2014 over these issues, with Victoria Nuland overseeing the whole thing for the U.S. State Department. That's how important this business is. The story is also connected to Burisma, according to Benz, but more on that in another piece nearby. 

When their newly installed comedian/president Volodymyr Zelenskyy took a call from Trump concerning Joe and Hunter Biden, bribes, payoffs, and graft, The Blob sidelined Trump with a fake impeachment over a "perfect phone call." They did it again later with the second impeachment attempt for January 6. The House Committee on Administration released transcripts of interviews with military officials who admitted Trump asked them to call in the National Guard and use whatever means they had at their disposal "to make sure it's a safe event." Trump was afraid Antifa would show up and cause trouble, as usual. These men, including Joints Chiefs Chairman, Mark Milley and Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller,  ignored Trump's requests.  

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Knowing this, you can also figure out for yourself whose operation the January 6 fedsurrection was—and it wasn't Trump's. Indeed, as I've pointed out before, you'll note that the breach of the Capitol complex occurred when Republican Senators Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and others were about to detail the serious issues with counting the 2020 ballots (which was going to be televised). They never gave their evidence. 

Here's why they want Trump gone. Here's why George Bush has never lifted a finger to come to the defense of Trump. Ever. It's all about oil. I know what you're thinking, it's always about oil, but stick with me if you want to know the details.

"There was this Pentagon CIA plan to kill [Russian] Gazprom and put the substitute supply of the gas supply coming from two different sources: LNG from North America and from Britain," Benz explains. Halliburton was processing the LNG.

Benz continued, "Houston is one of the reasons that the Dick Cheney/George Bush Mafia hated Trump [because] you know the part of this was this Houston LNG was going to ship out to...and it was going to...basically be the new supply chain for Europe." Things were going great, he said, "[W]hich is why they've all made record profits as this war has gone on, but Donald Trump's neutrality and threatening to withhold military support" meant Trump had to go, even though Trump agreed with the U.S. supplying Europe with energy. 

The Blob wanted to ruin Russia's oil and gas business, and "what happens if you kill the gas? You kill the military," Benz says. 

But that's not what happened.

Now, the U.S. buys gas from the world's despots in Venezuela, and Putin is selling oil and gas to India (also a target of a Blob censorship campaign) and China (not the target of a Blob censorship campaign). He's been enriched, his military is enhanced, he appears to be winning the war, and he has control over the Donbas and Black Sea oil and is now in Africa working with the Chinese to exploit natural resources. 

     Related: Here's How Sinister the Deep State 'Blob' Censorship Operation Really Is

As Trump and most Americans realize, this is exactly the opposite of what the Biden administration set out to do. 

So, where are we now? This week Ukraine leader Zelenskyy was signing bombs at a Pennsylvania munitions factory and telling voters that Kamala is his choice for president in that swing state. This is against the norms of statecraft, defies the Hatch Act, and is probably against election law

They will never hesitate to break any norms or laws to get rid of Trump.

The grift, duplicity, censorship, and election interference come from those afraid that Trump is a threat to their hoped-for trillions. For all we know, it may be a fine deal for America, but who would you rather have preside over it? Numbnuts or Trump?

There's morebut you'll have to watch it for yourself. 



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