Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Don's Tuesday Column

THE WAY I SEE IT by Don Polson       Red Bluff Daily News 9/10/2024

    Will America be Kamalafornia-nated?

More on the strange, weird reality of Kamala’s California below, but first:

Our summer RV travels ended where they started—a lakeside campsite in the Cascades, in the Willamette Pass area, with views of Diamond Peak. It was the first landing spot after leaving Red Bluff in June, and is now our last bit of forested peace and tranquility, except for the traffic up the hill on Hwy 58.

Due to needing reservations almost everywhere but open areas of national forests, we secured a 14-day stay at Odell Lake for August. A friend from Bend, Oregon called us in July because he knew we camped there but didn’t see us. We found out fires had broken out nearby; upon checking the highway web cams, we saw thick smoke.

We canceled our reservation and found available space in coastal RV parks. Then, as July became August, the web cams showed clearing air and we got lucky to secure a few days at “our spot” on the lake. The air was mildly hazy but clear enough to see the few patches of snow remaining on Diamond Peak (snow had covered it above the tree line in June).

The forecast called for some possible rain, which arrived to our delight at the prospect of dampening the fires nearby. Instead, it produced lightning strikes to the west, behind the mountain, sending huge clouds of smoke high into the air, eventually blowing over the lake, obscuring the peak. As we weren’t smelling it, we stayed to get our last views of pristine nature before saying goodbye to camping and hello to...indoor plumbing, big beds, laundry, roomy kitchen, and broadcast and streaming entertainment.


Tomorrow being September 11, it behooves us to somberly recognize the abominable attacks on our nation by Islamic fanatics on that dark day in 2001. We mourn the dead and salute the heroic actions of first responders, on that day as well as other smaller, but still evil, attacks on civilization by similarly motivated terrorists.

We can wish such atrocities are in the past. However, the open border created by the Biden-Harris administration has documented terrorists on watch lists that were caught but others have assuredly entered our beloved nation among the millions of aliens illegally entering with nothing but nebulous court dates for questionable asylum hearings. Let us pray for our nation’s security.


The Republican election headquarters is open at the former location of Gary Ramsey Jewelers, 748 Main Street, afternoons till 6 PM, depending on staffing. Election materials will be available; volunteers are welcome and needed to fill slots, from now until the November 5th election. Drop by and help out.


As promised in a previous column, Vice President and now Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ record in California is fair game under the “local and state issues and angles” instructions I’ve been given. Consequently, I’ll share some of what has come to light on her record here in California. Readers may find laudatory things, or not, but facts are facts; opinions on her tenure in Washington as Joe Biden’s Veep are not in my “wheelhouse,” shall we say.

For now, let’s browse some article titles to see what’s in store over the next 2 months (9 weeks). “Mother Blasts Kamala Harris for Prosecuting Her Under California’s Truancy Laws” and “Wrongfully Convicted Black Man Recounts How Kamala Harris Laughed After Convicting Him” (both by Jeff Charles, Redstate.com, 8/18, 8/19).

“California Sheriff Shown in Kamala Harris Border Ad Calls Her Gaslighting Efforts ‘Pathetic’” (Bob Hoge, Redstate.com, 8/12). “Attorney General Kamala Harris Was Even Worse Than You Think—She was less interested in justice than she was in running for her next office” (Joel Engel, Thebulwark.com, 8/19/2019).

“You Don't Have to Wonder if Kamala Is an Authoritarian Jackboot, Just Look at Her Record” (Victoria Taft, Pjmedia.com, 8/08). My final article this week, inspiring my column title: “Could America Survive As 'Kamalafornia'?” (Mike Miller, Redstate.com, 8/30).

Bear in mind that these are opinion pieces and meant to be provocative; the facts presented ostensibly support the positions taken in the article titles. Obviously, having thoroughly read them, I find them persuasive; readers may disagree. I don’t hesitate in stating my partisan position on the fitness of former President Donald Trump, and the unfitness of V.P. Kamala Harris, for the office of President of the United States.

This page will certainly provide both sides on that issue, via syndicated opponents and advocates. While we columnists are proscribed from writing on the national campaign and candidates, letters from readers may find space here. House and U.S. Senate, and state Assembly and Senate, candidates may also come in for analysis.

Certainly, local events and news will be examined if this writer feels compelled to comment. Otherwise, go on about your lives, your families, your jobs; I pray you find some of the peace and tranquility we found at our lakeside spot of paradise.

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