Tuesday, September 17, 2024

No, Kamala Harris. The American People Are Not OK.

No, Kamala Harris. The American People Are Not OK.


AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Kamala Harris said America needs a president who cares about the people – the kind of president who asks, “are you OK?” Ironically, it sounded similar to the first question she was asked at the debate, “do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?” It’s no surprise that Harris gave her typical word salad response, because she knows the truth: the American people are not OK, and they are not better off under her leadership. 

Here’s what she’s too afraid to admit: 

The American people are tired of being broke – they are not OK. For 38 consecutive months, Americans have faced record high inflation, and prices for everyday necessities are up to 20.3%. Collective credit card debt has reached a new record, and the cost of homeownership is at its highest in three decades. Tennessee families are spending $1,023 more each month to buy the same basket of goods that they were buying in 2020, and over 37% of Tennesseans are struggling to pay for household expenses on a week-to-week basis. They have found that under the Trump administration, they had more money left at the end of the month; now they have more month left at the end of their money. Times are so tough that hardworking people can no longer afford to fill their gas tanks and their grocery carts in the same week. 

When Vice President Harris says she believes in an opportunity economy for Americans, she means opportunity for the government to control your health care, student loans, energy output, schools, and the list goes on. It is government control, daylight to dark, 24/7, 365 days of the year.

It doesn’t take an economist to know that a $1.9 trillion spending bill led us to inflation, although even liberal economists have admitted it did exactly that. To pile on, the Inflation Reduction Act – which the Left assured the American people would live up to its name – did just the opposite. Instead, it spent federal dollars we don’t have on Green New Deal handouts and funding to hire 87,000 new IRS agents. Who broke the Senate tie on both of those controversial spending packages? Kamala Harris. 

The American people are unsafe in their own communities – they are not OK. Just ask the families of Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, Jocelyn Nungaray, or any of the countless precious lives taken way too soon at the hands of criminals who should have never been allowed into the U.S. Ask the residents of Cleveland, Tennessee, who witnessed the murder of a young woman by an alleged criminal illegal alien this week. Ask anyone who has lost a loved one to deadly fentanyl that is pouring into every state or witnessed the horrors of human or sex trafficking. Ask Border Patrol and law enforcement officers who don't have enough resources to do their jobs. 

Over 11 million illegal aliens have crossed the southern border under the Biden-Harris administration. Over 350 potential terrorists have attempted to get into the U.S., and at least 99 have been successful. A catastrophic attack on our soil isn’t a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. All the while, who was put in charge of the border and has chosen to do nothing to secure it? Kamala Harris.  

The American people are fearful we’re on the brink of World War III – they are not OK. Eleven U.S. embassies have been evacuated over the last 3.5 years. Thirteen American heroes died at Abbey Gate, and the Taliban gained access to billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment in Afghanistan.  Iran, becoming richer by the day, is steps away from developing a nuclear weapon. Communist China has repeatedly taunted freedom-loving Taiwan and sent a spy balloon sashaying across our great nation to gather sensitive information on U.S. military sites. Hamas terrorists carried out the deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust in the October 7 attacks. Who thought the Afghanistan withdrawal was a success and has projected weakness on the world stage? Who has waffled on support for Israel? Kamala Harris.

There’s a common denominator here: Kamala Harris. She can promise ‘a path forward’ all she wants, but the truth is that her day one began 3.5 years ago. And ever since then, she has not only failed to make life better, she and her policies have made it worse. 

Harris is right about one thing: we need a leader who puts America first, and that leader is President Trump. In his first month in office, he worked to secure the border, strengthen our military, reduce regulatory burdens on Americans, and preserve the American Dream. Unlike his opponent, he has the record to prove he cares about the direction of our country. He cares about you!

On November 5, Americans have a choice. They can choose to vote for their future and the future of their children and grandchildren. They can choose to vote for prosperity and peace, and they will choose to elect President Donald Trump. 


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