Wednesday, July 24, 2024




Herewith a few observations in the form of theses to help us think through where we are after the withdrawal of President Biden from the 2024 race.

• Democrats have enacted a variation of the old Churchillian apothegm. In political wartime, power is so precious that it must always be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies. Churchill said something like this regarding the protection of truth during war. Democrats have transformed my variation of it into a permanent truth of our politics.

• Until June 27 every Democrat who has humiliated and shivved President Biden surrounded him with a bodyguard of lies. They lied about his capacity to do the job now and over the next four years. All the rest of them cooperated in the pretense.

• Biden had half a mind to remain president for another four years — and they were fine with it so long as victory was on the horizon. For Democrats, Biden’s useful life has expired. Our reserves of contempt are insufficient to do justice to the production they have brought to us.

• On June 27, with the public exposure of his degraded mental condition, the Democrats bailed on the Weekend at Biden’s farce they performed with all the enthusiasm they brought to Biden’s defenestration over the past three-plus weeks.

• Biden became an inconvenience to Democrats. He was leading them to an electoral rout in November. He had to be tossed aside like a broken mannequin — to save their phony baloney jobs.

• What about the Democrats’ mainstream media adjunct? Our reserves of contempt are insufficient to do justice to the production they have brought us.

• The fact of Biden’s mental incapacity became undeniable during his debate with President Trump on June 27. Biden served up a series of incredible excuses for his patent incapacity — let’s call it senility — but he could not defend himself without displaying his senility anew.

• Biden’s patent senility created both a political crisis for Democrats and a national crisis for the United States. The Democrat establishment quickly mounted an effort to resolve the political crisis by defenestrating Biden and replacing him with Vice President Kamala Harris as its presidential nominee. They will let the national crisis fester. Power is their passion.

• The Democrats (including Kamala Harris) said that Biden was fine when they were with him. They saw nothing amiss with the guy who looked like an escapee from the memory care unit of the nursing home.

• They wanted us to disbelieve what we saw with our own eyes during the 2020 campaign and at regular intervals since then on the RNC Research Twitter/X feed as well the Washington Free Beacon’s Joe Biden’s Senior Moment of the Week video series, now in its third season.

• What about the Democrats’ mainstream media adjunct? Forgive me for repeating the formulation: Our reserves of contempt are insufficient to do justice to the production they have brought us. Only yesterday they enthusiastically served in the bodyguard of liars. One could say that Biden has made the mainstream press look like morons, but it would be more accurate to say that he has exposed them as tools and fools.

• Did President Trump make a mistake by agreeing to debate Biden so early? It gave the Democrats just enough time to swap Biden out for this year’s model.

• Vice President Kamala Harris is this year’s model. How will she go down with the public as the Democrats’ presidential nominee? “It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.”

• A tidal wave of relief now rolls over the Democrats. Democrats have reset the campaign. Harris will seek to impersonate a serious person. She will pick up support from quarters where it has been leeching from Biden. A short campaign affords less time for her to be exposed as the left-wing lightweight she is.

• There ought to be hell to pay for every politician, reporter, pundit, and talking head who has covered up Biden’s condition. Like Robert Frost’s neighbor in “Mending Wall”, I like having thought of it so well I say again: Our reserves of contempt are insufficient to do justice to the production they have brought us.

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