Friday, July 26, 2024

Presidentish Joe Biden: A Look Back Without Fondness

Presidentish Joe Biden: A Look Back Without Fondness

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

Somewhere in America's vast wetlands, there's a one-legged duck with a broken wing who just heard about Presidentish Joe Biden and said, "At least I'm not that guy." Biden entered lame-duck status long before his sudden announcement on X Sunday afternoon — it was his announcement, right? RIGHT? — and I can even pinpoint the exact date for you.

It was Oct. 28, 2021. That seems like a long time ago, doesn't it?

When the fate of Biden's 2021 infrastructure bill was in doubt, the alleged president went to Capitol Hill, where he spoke "disjointedly and failed to make a concrete ask of lawmakers, according to Democrats in the room."

“It was the first time I remember people pretty jarred by what they had seen,” recalled Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) to the Wall Street Journal. Phillips was so rattled that he was willing to make a futile run against Biden in the rigged primaries. 

That October meeting would be Biden's last with his fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill to discuss legislation. The White House couldn't risk a repeat performance. And yet passage of the so-called Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act three weeks later was hailed as a major achievement for Biden — which raises questions about Biden's legacy and how the media tallies victories.

Was the law constitutional? Was it just? Fiscally sound? They don't even ask whether the law achieved its goals. The only question that matters to the press is this: was the Strong Man able to enforce his will on Congress? 

That's no way to run a constitutional republic. 

Also left unsaid is just how hollow Biden's big legislative wins were. Ever since President Barack Obama's trillion-dollar stimulus in 2009, any semblance of fiscal sanity was defenestrated into a moat filled with laser sharks. Biden's legislative wins — his trifecta of the inflation-inducing American Rescue Plan Act, the Inflation Reduction Act that did not reduce inflation, and the Infrastructure and Jobs Act which resulted in little infrastructure or jobs — were all delivered in the same way.

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Biden was no legislative mastermind — the idea is laughable. His buddies on Capitol Hill larded up his bills with enough fat to bribe the votes they needed in Congress. Want to know how we got so much further into debt on Biden's watch with nothing to show for it and no end in sight? 

Now you know.

Biden hasn't had any big legislative wins like those since the GOP retook the House and the White House hasn't even tried.

Here's the rest of Biden's presidential legacy, in no particular order:

  • What used to be our southern border.
  • The attempted destruction of Title IX for education and women's sports.
  • Failure to either deter Russia or to arm Ukraine quickly and completely.
  • The abandonment of the Abraham Accords.
  • Removing sanctions from Iran, giving them billions, and the resulting wars in Gaza, the Red Sea, and (soon) in Lebanon.
  • Massive overregulation.
  • Collusion with Big Tech to silence conservatives.
  • His unofficial War on Parenting.
  • A failed war on American oil production and LNG exports.
  • And, needless to say, epic cheating — including via illegals — in the election he just excused himself from.

I'm exhausted, and the list isn't even complete. I could go on, but the only good news is that Biden won't.

Of course, Biden hardly did all of these things himself as he's become increasingly isolated since at least Oct. 28, 2021, from the decisions made and actions taken in his name.

But they were done in his name. And now you know Joe Biden's shameful presidential legacy.

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