Sunday, July 21, 2024




As Victor Davis Hanson notes, “our Soviet Union” features our own Brezhnev in Joe Biden and our own Pravda in the establishment media that praises the Delaware dullard as “sharp as a tack.”  Our Soviet Union also features Stalinist show-trials, imprisonment without trial, government control of media, deep state agencies deployed against the people, and our very own communist party.

Long before the Russia hoax, the Soviet Union interfered with American elections by running their own candidates of the Communist Party USA, a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR. The CPUSA candidate in 1924, 1928 and 1932 was William Z. Foster, author of  Toward Soviet America: The Crises and Decline of Capitalism and the Impending Rise of Socialism in the United StatesThat classic was first published in 1932, when Stalin was planning his career in mass murder. The Soviets also supported proxies in the Progressive Party such as Henry Wallace (1948) and Vincent Hallinan (1952),  but during the 1960s they returned to the CPUSA.

The CPUSA ticket in 1968 was Charlene Mitchell and Mark Zagarell. In 1972, the CPUSA offered the Stalinist Gus Hall and Jarvis Tyner. That Communist duo ran again in 1976, when future CIA boss John Brennan voted for Hall. In 1980, the CPUSA paired Hall with Angela Davis, winner of the Lenin Peace Prize. As in 1980, Reagan and Bush crushed them. From 1988 on, as helpfully explains, voters were “urged to support the Democratic Party,” which now bears the hallmarks of the CPUSA.

The Democrat Party tolerates no anti-Communists such as Daniel Patrick MoynihanSam Nunn or Henry “Scoop” Jackson, sponsor of the Jackson-Vanik amendment that made trade with the USSR conditional on the Soviets relaxing restrictions on Jewish emigration. In similar style, the Democratic Party tolerates no social conservatives or libertarian types. Everybody maintains the party line and Democrats regard America as a horrible, racist place – except for their government paychecks and pensions, their bank accounts, stock portfolios, lavish residences and such.

The Party shuns open debate and deploys sulfuric hatred for the opposition in the style of Saul Alinsky, mentor of Hillary Clinton, the carpetbagger who usurped the Senate seat of Moynihan. Obama’s beloved Frank Marshall Davis was a CPUSA stalwart and lifelong admirer of the Soviet Union’s all-white dictatorship. Bernie Sanders is basically a Rip Van Winkle communist, and like Obama, Sanders never saw a Stalinist dictator he didn’t like.

Angela Davis now comes billed as an advocate of “social justice,” and back in 2020 Davis was a big booster of Joe Biden. The Delaware Democrat was “problematic in many ways” but “to vote for ourselves I think that means that we will have to campaign for and vote for Joe Biden.”

The former Communist Party USA candidate has been rather quiet about Biden’s record in office. We’ll see who the Lenin Peace Prize winner endorses in November.

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