Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Republic, If You Can Keep It


A Republic, If You Can Keep It

“Here is a stone which the feet of a few outcasts pressed for an instant, and this stone becomes famous; it is treasured by a great nation, its very dust is shared as a relic: and what is become of the gateways of a thousand palaces?” – Alexis De Tocqueville on Plymouth Rock

From its very outset, the United States of America has been more than a nation. It has been an aspiration. The aspiration that any person anywhere within its borders, regardless of class, color or creed could exist unmolested by his government or his neighbors to thresh out happiness for himself and his family. This is the essence of the American ethic.

The story of America is the story of mankind’s long crawl from the swamp to the stars, a gradual realization of Justice and Equality for all. We have always been a beacon of hope and an example to aspire to for liberty loving people all over the globe. Today, we did not live up to that mantle.

I do not care if you love or hate Donald Trump. I don’t care if you voted for him twice and plan to again, never voted for him, or never voted at all. Every breathing American should be outraged by the gross miscarriage of Justice and political persecution perpetuated on the nominee of one of our major parties in the name of politics.

For the first time in history, both a candidate for president and a former president was convicted of a felony. And what was his crime? Murder? Rape? Grand theft? No, Mr. Trump was convicted of a cacophony of hard to explain financial crimes related to an NDA and corresponding settlement with a porn star 20 some odd years ago. Add to the mix a partisan district attorney who campaigned on jailing the president, a judge with a democrat political operative daughter working for the opposition, and a jury comprised of citizens of one of the nations most liberal bastions, and you have yourself a banana republic.

While I seriously doubt that Mr. Trump is guilty of any of these felonies, it wouldn’t matter to me if he were. Which is more important, administering Justice for some unexplainable minor financial crime related to an NDA settlement for an extramarital affair, or the integrity of the worlds oldest and greatest electoral system? Do you think that this little game ends here? I have little doubt that partisan courts will be utilized in the future to delegitimize and incarcerate political opponents, by both parties. This can of worms cannot be shut.

It is my sincere hope that what remains of the adults in DC will cobble together a bipartisan repudiation of these perilous tactics, and launch an earnest effort to restore public faith in our union.

On September 17, 1787, Elizabeth Willing Powell posed a question to Benjamin Franklin outside of the Constitutional Convention at Independence Hall.

“Well Doctor, what sort of government have we got? A republic or a monarchy?”

Franklin responded simply, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

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