Monday, June 24, 2024

Dem Sen. Chris Murphy's Open Border Blame Game Is 100 Percent Pure Projection

Dem Sen. Chris Murphy's Open Border Blame Game Is 100 Percent Pure Projection


On day one in office, President Biden, with the swipe of a pen, undid dozens of Trump measures that were keeping the border more secure.

That all happened after Biden urged people to "surge to the border" if he were to end up in the White House. Not long after that, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas bragged about it:

The bottom line is that Biden opened up the border. Now that Biden's trailing Trump in all swing states, Dem Sen. Chris Murphy is leading the Left's gaslighting charge to try and pin the blame on the Republicans. 

This is laughable on multiple levels: 

"Biden wants to solve problems, not create them." 

Creating problems is all Biden has done!

It's Biden's fault and everybody knows it. Heck, Murphy even knows that but will never admit it. 

The media are to a large degree complicity with the Left and serve as propagandists for Democrats.

Even MSNBC Is Admitting the Biden Campaign Is in Trouble

Even MSNBC Is Admitting the Biden Campaign Is in Trouble

Joe Biden - Donald Trump. (Credit: AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall; AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The most liberal-friendly media — MSNBC — is now openly revealing the unspoken truth: Biden's campaign is in trouble after the massive fundraising numbers by the Trump campaign in the month of May. 

A guest on MSNBC called out the Biden campaign for falling behind the Trump campaign. 

"If you're sitting in Biden's headquarters, you do not like these numbers because what they do show is that Donald Trump is going to have enough money to run this campaign in a very full way. You don't like that your numbers are so much smaller than his in that month of May, and you are probably redoubling your efforts to raise money, to make sure that does not happen. If you just look at Trump and the RNC, they raised $106 million together in May. You look at Biden and the DNC, that number is $60 million in May. The difference there is basically 76 percent more for Trump and the RNC than Biden and the DNC. That's not sustainable for the Democrats if that were to continue month after month."

Recently, Biden received a nearly $20 million donation from former New York Mayor and 2020 Presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg. It appears most of Biden's big donors will continue contributing to his campaign as they did in 2020. However, Trump's campaign had small-dollar contributions from hard-working Americans following the former president's trial and conviction. That's the biggest difference in this campaign. Yes, Trump receives donations from wealthy individuals as well, but if he outpaces Biden on small-dollar contributions, that shows the enthusiasm for another Trump presidency compared to a Biden presidency. 

Good News: Trump Just Nuked One Advantage Biden Did Have in Campaign

As Bloomberg donated to Biden, two cryptocurrency billionaires — the Winklevoss twins — donated two million dollars in Bitcoin to the Trump campaign. Tyler Winklevoss said:

"The Biden Administration has consistently attacked American business across the board and villanized its greatest heroes. The crime is always success and reward is always ridicule, fines, and even more red tape."

From the unrest in the Middle East to the lies about "cheap fake" stories and everything in between, voters seem much less enthusiastic about Biden's campaign in 2024 than in 2020, and it shows in the fundraising numbers. Of course, in 2020, the enthusiasm from their base was to get former President Trump out of office rather than the "excitement" of a Biden presidency. It's not the same this year because of all the issues the nation is facing.

If MSNBC is saying the quiet part out loud, just imagine the conversations around kitchen tables about the disaster Biden and his administration have been in the past four years. Americans are ready for change and will have their voices heard, not just for the presidential election but up and down the ballot — Senate, House, and local races as well.

Scott Presler, Sarah Fields and Others' DEEP-DIVE on Dem Staffer Bragging About Paid-Off Loans Is BRUTAL

Scott Presler, Sarah Fields and Others' DEEP-DIVE on Dem Staffer Bragging About Paid-Off Loans Is BRUTAL


As Twitchy readers know, Democrat staffer Ben Kamens bragged about Biden canceling his school loan debt QUITE publicly for all of Twitter to see. We were embarrassed for Ben who for some reason couldn't pay off a small amount in 14 years ... not to mention he shared a LOT of personal info.

In case you missed it:

Forget that Biden didn't pay off Ben's debt.

No, he just passed it off to millions of other Americans who may have already paid their loans off OR who never had a chance to go to college.

Case in point:

So, we're thinking it wasn't very smart for Ben to share his information in such a public way just so he could play politics and support Biden. Did he really think it was smart to share that letter with millions of strangers?


Biden voters, right?

Plenty of people dragged Ben, but then people started doing some digging and well ... yeah.

OOF. Maybe Ben should've spent that money paying off his school loans?

Just spitballing.

Not a great look, Ben.

Ben actually made a great argument AGAINST the govt. paying off school loans.


Oh, and then Sarah Fields and Scott Presler got ahold of him.


Yeah, we don't see this getting better for Ben anytime soon.


Seems Ben locked his account down:

Awww, ya' hate to see it.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

BOOM: Dana Loesch DROPS Mother of ALL Truth Bombs on 'Coward' Chris Murphy and His Gun-Grabbing Speech


AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Anytime a politician pretends that giving a speech is 'difficult' know what they are spewings is pure, unadulterated BS, especially when it's a Democrat like Chris Murphy. You guys, it was so hard for him to exploit the deaths of children from the Uvalde school shooting.


He thought he was making a good point about security in our schools and of course, he failed.

As he usually does.



You know the face you make when you've been on hold for customer service and when someone finally answers the phone they tell you you've reached the wrong department and put you on hold AGAIN?

Yeah, we made that same face.

Guessing Dana Loesch may have as well:

Cowards like Chris.


And we're pretty sure he misses it on purpose, yes. It's far more convenient to miss the point when it's beneficial to the narrative he's pushing and the agenda he's supporting.

But more guns isn't the answer, you guyyyyyyys! REEEEEEE!

Ugh, he's just so unbearable.

Murphy is a Democrat, and an exceptionally ignorant one at that. Considering other Democrats, that's really sayin' something.