Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Don's Tuesday Column

                 THE WAY I SEE IT   by Don Polson  Red Bluff Daily News   6/29/2021

Gaslighting over masks, China, Fauci

Please indulge anecdotes with a point. Maybe it’s the inner rebel accompanying my growing locks now covering my neck and below, but I won’t wear a mask outside of actual medical facilities, visited numerous times in the last month or so. A painful lumbar condition and urology-related issues will remain private.

The freedom to not breath smelly, unsanitary paper or cloth masks was rediscovered after the science of vaccinations set in, late April. After the objectionable, silly recycling of my own breath in the snowy outdoors at ski locations, as well as the obligatory, marginally useful retail rules, we took the immunity personally and just started walking in, past and through the signage and nagging (Costco was the worst). Given the number of like-minded customers, we won.

A “gear fix” shop was the first to insist; I refused and simply demanded to know if my ski boots were fixed. Their designated hulky “enforcer” was dispatched to make demands; I made my own demands; he said he would call the cops; I said “you can go through all that, or you can simply look up my name and tell me if my boots are done.” He relented, but lied that they hadn’t accepted boot repairs for 6 months; ok, buh-bye.

The Costco pharmacy, unlike the Walmart pharmacy, was adamant that I not pick up my prescription unmasked; I refused and demanded my drug order; the manager got another manager who got the top guy. I’m a rebel with common sense and pulled up my t-shirt, saying “you can’t see my mouth or nose, now get me my med; I’m handicapped and have rights.” They relented.

For 15 months of badgering, guilt-tripping, accusations of wanting to murder fellow citizens, demands that the unmasked be reeducated and all but wear a “wrong think” patch—I’ve said masks were benign, a minor inconvenience. The “it’s the science” folks remain oblivious to the scientific fact that the virus is 1000x smaller than the mask materials, making them useless.

There has been no discernible difference in Covid illness or death rates between mask-mandated states and schools and those without, a massive pool of scientific data that defies refutation. “Wake up, people: Science shows mask zealots were very, very wrong,” by Trevor Thomas, says it all. Will they admit it? It remains an issue as the spreading “Delta variant” (from India’s delta—but mustn’t name Covid-19 for Wuhan, China) is feeding the “anxiety-and-fear” narrative.

Not only is the World Health Organization reverting to “mask mandates for all, everywhere,” even the vaccinated; but places like Australia are imposing “lock downs” on millions, in spite of the now-undeniable evidence of futility. Will “news” outlets report the fairly benign effect of “Delta” in the U.K. and U.S.? “New Study Delivers Kill Shot to the Leftist COVID Panic Lockdown Regime,” by Matt Vespa; end of debate.

Thank God we were blessed with a system whereby the states have considerable autonomy from the central government. It’s nearly lost on the miseducated, media-persuaded and ideology-addled that our Constitutional Framers were determined that, by states forming the national government (not the other way around), there must be tools for the states to retain their power against inevitable federal despotism. Canada lacks those protections and preachers are jailed; we should protect our independent rights.

It's fine with me if some cling to the illusion of credibility for compromised and duplicitous “authorities” like Dr. Fauci. Apparently besotted with his own self-reverence and sycophantic fans, he pronounced his own ever-shifting medical opinions to be “Science” itself. He lied to the public, and to Congress, by feigning ignorance of the $1 million+ in American tax money that went to knowingly fund “gain-of-function” bat research at Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). He lied to Congress, insisting ignorance that President Trump ordered a stop to “gain of function” funding to WIV through EcoHealth Alliance, falsely making him blameless and Trump culpable.

He knowingly assisted Communist Chinese researchers (party hacks with lab coats) in dismissing and downplaying that lab’s role as the source of the COVID-19 virus. He and his agency have no excuse or defense against charges of misleading this nation and covering for China’s perfidy. As early as late fall, over 10,000 military athletes went to the Wuhan area for sporting events; that city of millions was a “ghost town” while athletes returned home with symptoms.

Honest virological scientists (including Fauci) knew that China had flu-like infections showing up among the WIV staff. Early analysis could reasonably have suspected a “cross species” transfer of the “bat” virus, but not past spring, 2020. And yet, Fauci insisted no evidence pointed to the WIV, as recently as months ago, in spite of detailed microscopic deconstruction of the virus showing not only a humanly engineered virus, but also reverse engineering to misdirect researchers to the “bat market” source.

“China Lied About COVID Again: Outbreak Might Have Begun Months Earlier,” by Stephen Green; “New Research Shows Extent of China’s Cover-Up of COVID-19’s Origins,” by Anthony Ruggiero; and, in an article that almost implicates Dr. Fauci in the deception, “Early Covid Data From China (was) Removed by NIH After Request From Chinese Researchers,” by Rick Moran. How could Fauci not have known?

Unsurprisingly, “Dr. Fauci Is In An All Out Media Blitz To Rescue His Image,” by Dylan Housman; he’s “on the defensive after emails were leaked revealing he downplayed the lab-leak theory of the novel coronavirus origin.” Fauci accuses opponents of “distortion” and, of course, taking his emails “out of context.”

I bear no negativity to those forming different opinions; just spare me attacks on my veracity and informed analysis.

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