Friday, April 16, 2021

Rand Paul: Fauci Should Be ‘Removed from TV’ for ‘Fear-Mongering’

Rand Paul: Fauci Should Be ‘Removed from TV’ for ‘Fear-Mongering’


During a Tuesday appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) called for White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci to be removed from his television appearances for “fear-mongering.” This comes a day after he referred to Fauci as a “petty” tyrant.

According to Paul, Fauci is spouting information that “isn’t even matched by the science of his own institute,” the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“Now, immunity doesn’t have to be perfect to be protective. It could be that possibly someone who’s had COVID like myself could they be reinfected — there are very small numbers of it. But guess what, almost none of them are really getting sick. … You’re not reading stories of, ‘Oh, my goodness, thousands of people have been reinfected and they’re hospitalized and they’re dying.’ Those stories don’t exist. You will read about a random, very rare person getting reinfected or getting infected when they have been vaccinated. But the good news is, is that even if you got infected from COVID after you’ve been vaccinated, you have some immunity, you have partial immunity, and it lessens the degree or significance of the disease.”

He added, “Almost everything out there is good news. This is why I so much think Dr. Fauci should be voluntarily removed from TV because what he says is such a disservice and such fear-mongering, and almost all of what he says isn’t even matched by the science of his own institute. So, really, what we need to is hear from a lot of different experts.”

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