Saturday, April 3, 2021

Every Single One of Your Rights Is Under Assault, It Must Be Monday

Every Single One of Your Rights Is Under Assault, It Must Be Monday

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Insanity Wrap needs to know: What do you call a madcap rush to push radical and authoritarian change through Washington on the slenderest of legislative majorities?

Answer: Just another day in the administration of Presidentish Joe Biden.

Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.

  • From “Get Woke, Go Broke” to “Get Woke with Us Or Else”
  • Americans own an impressive number of guns — but we can do better
  • Minnesota’s war on the workingman’s car

And so much more.

Shall we begin?

This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006

Biden Vaccine Passport
 (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)


The Biden administration is developing a national coronavirus ‘vaccine passport’ scheme for Americans

“Do you have your papers?” was what the Nazi or Communist Russian official would ask normal citizens as they attempted to travel from one region to another within their own country.

If your papers — your internal passport — weren’t in order, you could be prevented from traveling, detained, or worse.

Insanity Wrap probably wouldn’t shock you with a reminder that sometimes, even when your papers were in order, some kommissar might “find” something out of order if he didn’t like the look of you.

Imagine having all your travel, for business or just your own pleasure, being subject to the whim of the anointed.

Internal passports are anathema to liberty and commerce.

With that in mind:

The Biden administration is working on a vaccine passport program that would allow people to prove they have received a coronavirus vaccination, in order to enter venues which have been closed due to social distancing requirements, such as offices or movie theatres. The Washington Post and CNN reported.

Five officials, who spoke anonymously, told the Post that the White House is pushing efforts by federal agencies and private companies to develop the scheme.

One official suggested to CNN that vaccine passports could be required for people returning to work.

Insanity Wrap is pro-vaccine, period.

But even more so, we are pro-liberty.

The liberty to travel between states has long been recognized by the courts, and the liberty to travel within your own state has never, to Insanity Wrap’s recollection, been questioned.

Until now. Until the Democrats won slender congressional majorities and the White House in a questionable election — and then decided to push harder against liberty and basic sense than any previous administration had ever dared.

“Do you have your papers?” to engage in ordinary travel, commerce, or pleasure is something straight out of Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany.

Or Joe Biden’s America, if the Democrats get their way.

You Are Free to Conform

As authoritarian as an internal passport would be, Insanity Wrap is certain that what’s already being done to our rights by Big Tech is worse.

David Reaboi’s Twitter mini-thread continues:

*brought to you by your social network, and your bank, and your supermarket, and your dating app, and your ride-sharing app, etc etc.

Don’t like it? Move to new apps, banks, products—which are apps, banks, and products “extremists” use, so we’re working to shut down those.

“If you don’t want your Uber to require a vaccine passport—and a pledge to support the Human Rights Campaign, you’re free to use another app.”

WEEK LATER: “Dangerous new trend of domestic extremists using new ride-sharing app. We must shut it down immediately.”

Insanity Wrap’s head still spins from how very quickly this country moved from business staying mostly apolitical to what we have now.

Entire Woke industries determine what you can read, what you can watch or listen to, which side’s arguments are allowed on social media, which websites are allowed to generate traffic (and ad income), what services you may use, and what payment options may be used for certain purchases.

The Left was always against privatizing anything that Insanity Wrap can remember — until they figured out how to privatize authoritarian conformity.

It’s inarguable that liberty is denied when millions of Americans are forced to hop from one service or site to another, all while megarich tech companies play Whack-a-Mole with the options available to us.

Drawing the line at internal passports is too little and far too late.

We need a Great Reset, if Insanity Wrap may borrow a phrase, against liberty-crushing wokeness, period.

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