Sunday, November 22, 2020

WaPo's Editorial Board: It's Time to End Election Protections for Rural America

WaPo's Editorial Board: It's Time

to End Election Protections for

Rural America

Beth Baumann | @eb454 |

The Washington Post on Sunday penned an editorial calling

for the elimination of the Electoral College. According to the

editorial board, it's time for America to be covered by the majority

without the protections for the minority.

From the editorial (emphasis mine):

"... The electoral college, whatever virtues it may have had

for the Founding Fathers, is no longer tenable for

American democracy.

We write this with full awareness of the challenges of

adopting a new system, with respect for many of the

people who continue to argue against a switch, and with

awareness that any change may have unintended

consequences. Right now, our presidential elections are

conducted by 51 separate authorities, each with its own

rules on registration, mail-in balloting and more. Each

state counts its own ballots, and each decides when

recounts are needed. All of that would have to change if

the president were chosen based on the national vote

count. Additionally, electoral college math induces

candidates to pay attention to voters in some small states

who might otherwise be ignored.

But why should Iowa’s biofuel lobby get more of a

hearing than, say, California’s artichoke lobby? Small

states already have disproportionate clout in our

government because of the Senate, in which Wyoming’s

fewer than 600,000 ?residents have as much

representation as California’s 39.5 million. We see no

particular reason voters in purple states such as

Wisconsin should be valued more than voters in red

states such as Mississippi or blue states such as



"Americans are not going to be satisfied with leaders who

have been rejected by a majority of voters, and they’re

right not to be. It’s time to let the majority rule."

Without even trying, WaPo made the case for why the Electoral

College is important. Our Founding Fathers worried about a

majority rule without a protection for the minority. People in

California and New York shouldn't matter more than those in

Montana, Kentucky or Iowa. Those who live in "flyover" shouldn't

have their voices squashed because they live in areas that are

rural and not densely populated.

The reason the Electoral College is so important is because it

makes smaller states, like Iowa, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and

Minnesota count. It means elected officials care about issues that

are important to dairy farmers and manufacture workers. It means

that they have to win the hearts and minds of people all across the


If the Electoral College was abolished and replaced with whatever

the WaPo wants – something they aren't even sure of – then we

would never hear about how banning fracking hurts people in

Pennsylvania or manufacturing hubs are closing up shop in Ohio

and Michigan. It would mean that the coastal elites

control everything and Beltway insiders would have no reason to

talk to normal everyday Americans who are trying to make an

honest living.

The left wants to get rid of the Electoral College because it would

make it easy for them to gain power and keep it. They wouldn't

have to try and convince middle America to vote for their

ridiculous leftist agenda. They would simply focus on going further

left and pandering to their strongholds along the coast. 

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