Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Don's Tuesday Column

          THE WAY I SEE IT   by Don Polson  Red Bluff Daily News   11/10/2020

           No Biden win or Trump loss, yet

So, this column erred in forecasting a solid win for President Trump, even contemplating a “landslide” reelection. The embarrassment felt here will not exceed that of the polling industry which boldly assured all of a Biden landslide; Democrat Chuck Schumer would take over the Senate (unlikely as Georgia will retain their two Republican Senators in January runoff elections).

Nor that of Speaker “San Fran Nan” Pelosi, who stands to lose between 10 and 14 seats after certifications get completed. Note that said certifications have yet to issue forth from “any” state for the presidential winner, justifying my column title. The “Al Gore” 2000 election precedent justifies litigation over “irregularities,” illegal votes or non-legislated procedures. Back then, Gore’s non-legal recounts in selected counties (rather than the whole state) lost in the Supreme Court.

Did pre-election polling “suppress” Trump’s voters? As in any sports contest, the perception of a blowout win to come does indeed prompt those whose team is losing to “head for the gates.” Fans of the winning team tend to stay for the expected victory; it’s just human nature.

Again, back in 2000, the Republican voters in, first, Florida’s panhandle and then, the Western states were reasonably discouraged from voting when networks called Florida before panhandle polls closed. Post-election surveys showed it cost Bush up to 10,000 votes in Florida, and 500,000 nationally.

Infrequent Republican voters, as well as new voters for Trump, were undoubtedly dissuaded from a time-consuming voting process as polling continued forecasting a big Biden win. Presidential election pollsters would, if integrity mattered a whit, abjectly apologize for skewed polls that blew the national and, even worse, battleground state results. Trump’s added millions are irrelevant; polling suppressed his voters.

Voting integrity procedures—mandated by the U.S. Constitution to be formulated in state legislatures, subject to inter-party negotiations so neither party can run roughshod over the other—require neutral, even partisan observers to oversee the handling of ballot-counting.

Anyone who dismisses the need for observers must answer a simple question: We all observe and trust those checking out our groceries, right? Does that trust extend to your being 20 feet away, with your line of sight obstructed, and being told your bill amount without looking at the itemized register receipt? “For everyone’s safety?”

It’s a silly question and any store trying to charge you for groceries that way would quickly go out of business…because you have the freedom to choose where to buy food. But if the government, a Democrat-run government particularly, gave you no choice, no accountability, no oversight and secrecy on top—what could you do about it?

That is essentially how Democrat city election machines operated in parts of Las Vegas, Phoenix, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Atlanta. Some actually stopped counting ballots on Tuesday evening, ushered Republican observers out the door, only to resume ballot-counting hours later; Trump’s lead somehow disappeared.

Here are some unresolved, potentially illegal/disqualifying situations—read before dismissing:

Pennsylvania: It’s estimated that “at least 600,000 ballots” are in question. Biden won by about 44,000 votes (all as of Monday morning). “It’s not my job to determine if the ballots are right or not; it’s their job. With a mail-in ballot or an absentee ballot, the burden, under law, is on the Party that’s proposing it, which is why it has to be inspected,” Giuliani added.

A judicial slap down looms for Pennsylvania, as Justice Alito and at least 3 Supreme Court justices agree that votes arriving after the 8 P.M. poll-closing be separated, suggesting the disqualification of those 600,000 disputed ballots. That state’s legislature wrote the deadline into law and only the high-handed, unconstitutional manipulation by Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court allowed collection after 8 P.M.

Republican poll watchers described how they were obstructed by Democrats from even entering the room where ballot validation occurred; effectively, they were unable to even see the mail-in ballots that swung Pennsylvania to Joe Biden. President Trump contends that he wins if only “legal votes” count. Nate Silver announced that 23,277 votes surfaced in Philadelphia—all for Biden. Not even Saddam Hussein got 100 percent of the votes.

Nevada: Biden’s 35,000 vote margin may be significantly reduced, based on a lawsuit by NV GOP alleging ballots going to underage teens and dead relatives of voters; a whistleblower allegedly witnessed people in a Biden-Harris van using letter openers to open ballot envelopes, fill out the ballots and reseal them. Nearly a quarter-million primary ballots were mailed to wrong addresses in June. Thousands of ballots went to people who’ve moved; tens of thousands of Californians have dual residences in Nevada.

Wisconsin: Biden’s 20,000+ margin occurred in an election where Trump got 200,000 more votes than in 2016; Wisconsin votes cast were 88 percent of all registered voters, in a state with a 67 percent average. Seven Milwaukee wards had more votes cast than they have registered voters. Republican votes exceeded Democrat votes until about 5 A.M. when 170,000 votes—all for Biden—showed up.

Michigan: A judge denied Republicans access to observe vote counting. A failure to update Dominion Voting System software is cited as the reason that 6,000 votes for Trump in Antrim County turned into 6,000 Biden votes. 47 other MI counties and 20+ states used Dominion software.

Georgia: Biden’s 10,000 vote lead may be erased by military ballots uncounted. Votes illegally counted, arriving after polls closed, may be disqualified by a lawsuit.

Democrats can’t have it both ways; either say you want illegally-cast votes to count or help sort out legal from illegal. The “Motor Voter” law required purging voting rolls: no dead, relocated or under-18 registered voters. I see the need to immediately revote under heavy federal supervision in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Atlanta. Only then will I accept the results.

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