Thursday, November 26, 2020

GOP Can't Let Trump-Hating Squishes Take Over the Party Now

GOP Can't Let Trump-Hating Squishes Take Over the Party Now

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite
It’s Still Trump’s GOP and Squishes Need Not Apply

Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I hope somebody got some sleep.

There has been a lot of discussion these past few weeks about what a “post-Trump” Republican Party might look like. I wrote a VIP post a couple of weeks ago saying that I didn’t believe there would be any such thing in the near future no matter who ends up being president next year. That doesn’t, however, mean that there won’t be forces in the GOP who have been on the periphery in the Trump era trying to wrest control of the party away from those who have been playing nice with the president for the last four years.

The radical Never-Trump people have been making noise for several weeks about wanting to return the party to the way it used to be, whatever that means. They are operating under the delusion that a lot of Republicans are waiting around to welcome them back with open arms.

Good luck with that.

Republicans who love Trump’s transformation need to be very vigilant right now. The Never-Trumpers may not be well-liked by mainstream American members of the GOP, but they are still well connected to some old money. If we drop our guard amid all of the pandemic and election chaos, these back-stabbers could make a successful grab at some more power.

The Democrats and the media will be giving these malcontents a lot of publicity and support too. Democrats really do not understand what has happened over on this side of the aisle in the last four years. This is from the post I referenced earlier:

Most Democrats — and I know this from numerous conversations — are under the impression that we over here on the Right will eventually view Trump’s ascendance as something that we’ve had to suffer through. They really are that supremely ignorant and arrogant. They are operating under the collective delusion that, deep in our hearts, Republicans want the Republican Party to be the way that Democrats want the Republican Party to be.

A big part of the problem is that the poor dears on the Left spin so much b.s. that they all end up believing their own garbage lies. One of the biggest ones that their media lapdogs repeated throughout the campaign was that there was this massive wave of people who voted for Trump in 2016 who weren’t going to vote for him in 2020.

There were maybe fourteen such people in America.

The reality was that there were millions of people who didn’t vote for him last time who were willing to do anything to vote for him this year. As of the time I’m writing this, Trump has around 14.1 million more votes than he had in 2016.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not getting the “party wants to move on from him” vibe here.

Trump’s stamp on the Republican party is positive all around. The GOP had a better ground game this year. That would have been more apparent had the pandemic not created the month-long mail election. He made inroads with minority voters despite the mainstream media calling him and all of his supports racist every day for four years.

The squish wing of the GOP wants to return to a party that doesn’t listen to the voices in flyover country. They want most decisions to be made over drinks at the Capitol Hill Club by guys who wear red ties to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

If the Republicans let the Bushies control the party again and the Democrats keep learning more and more how to game vote-by-mail, the GOP might never see the White House again.

The party is now reflective of the president’s passion. It doesn’t roll over and play dead for the Democrats in the name of bipartisanship. It’s a party that places more value in fighting than in appearing gentlemanly. It’s a far more functional party than it was four years ago, as evidenced by the fact that the Democrats’ much talked about “Blue Wave” didn’t materialize in the House and Senate races.

Let the Mitt Romney type squishes hang around, but don’t let them get too much power. And make damn sure that the Never-Trumpers don’t sneak in the back door while we’re distracted by COVID and the election mess.

If any of that happens, you can stick a fork in the party because it will be done.

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