Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Corker and Hoeven were cheap dates

Corker and Hoeven were cheap dates

by Paul Mirengoff in Immigration, Senate

Chris Crane, president of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) National Council, has denounced the amendment of Sens. Corker and Hoeven to the Senate immigration reform bill. So too has Kenneth Palinkas, president of the National Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Council.
Crane contends that “the 1,200 page substitute bill before the Senate will provide instant legalization and a path to citizenship to gang members and other dangerous criminal aliens, and handcuff ICE officers from enforcing immigration laws in the future.” He adds that the legislation “provides no means of effectively enforcing visa overstays which account for almost half of the nation’s illegal immigration crisis.” “Instead of empowering ICE agents to enforce the law,” Crane complains, “this legislation empowers political appointees to further violate the law and unilaterally stop enforcement.”
Palinkas concurs. He believes that the revised bill will exacerbate USCIS concerns about threats to national security and public safety. According to Palinkas, “the Corker-Hoeven substitute proposal, like the original proposal, will lead to the rubber stamping of millions of applications for both amnesty and future admissions.” Indeed, “this bill rewards immigrants who break the law, more so than the prior bill proposed by the Gang of Eight.”
Ironically, Sen. Corker actually agrees with part of the ICE-USCIS critique. He has admitted that his amendment fails properly to address the problem of interior enforcement. He says that he wanted to, but apparently the Democrats wouldn’t agree.
Corker and Hoeven turned out to be cheap dates for Team Amnesty.

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