From "The Obama Mind Trick (as in Star Wars)":
"Back in February, when the Obama economic team did the full-court press for why we had to have the stimulus now, they said without the "stimulus" bill, unemployment might climb as high at 9%, and with the stimulus in place, unemployment would top out at 8.5%. Well, the Democrats got their stimulus, and the unemployment number sailed way past their dire prediction of 9%.
"The polls show the American people might finally have become immune to the Obama Jedi ways.
"Remember when Barack Obama told Americans that Joe Biden would keep track of every dime of the stimulus?
"Obama defended his stimulus plan, and make no mistake, this is his albatross, by saying, "It has already extended unemployment insurance and health insurance to those who have lost their jobs in this recession." The problem is, that's not what the stimulus was intended to do. It was all about job creation - shovel-ready work projects. Extending the welfare safety net isn't economic stimulus. It's welfare extension."
Kudlow: " Here’s the clincher: Year-to-date, Dow Jones stocks are off 7 percent, while China stocks are up 71 percent. The world index is up 4 percent. Emerging markets are up 25 percent. They’re all beating us. None of this is good.We’re going the wrong way. That’s why stock markets are not voting for the United States anymore."
And, last excerpt that sums it up:"The questions you have to ask yourself, especially if you are one of the many who voted for Obama, is if the Obama administration tackled the economic recovery by misreading the problem, advocating for a solution that hasn't born fruit, spending trillions of future debt in the process, and then trying to tell you the results are great when you can see with your own eyes they're not, do you really trust the same group of people to get health care reform right by not just reforming or adjusting, but completely seizing the industry and dumping it into a government-run expansion of Medicare? Do you really trust them to create a new casino-like cap and tax and tax scam cleverly disguised as an energy bill?"
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