Sunday, July 26, 2009

Comment from a clearly obsessed, vituperative Mr. Larry Gray:

"Again, I quote you, Mr. Polson. "I have nothing to be ashamed of, Mr. Gray, and could PROVE (emphasis mine) the amounts of money and other forms of support I give for our local and national military." So, Mr. "Intellectual honesty," put your money where your mouth is. You said you could prove it, so please do so."

Me: I've contributed literally hundreds and hundreds of dollars, as well as other in-kind materials, to Soldiers Angels, USO, Adopt-a-Platoon and our local Military Family Support Group, which I hesitate to provide the names of the people because they have better things to do than confirm what I say, to some raving fanatic, but Supervisor Bob Williams is a public figure who would no doubt be willing to confirm my support for that group.

As to your other comment, Mr. Gray, it was deleted due to the insulting nature that made it beneath contempt for me to dignify with space.

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