While I was gone, this happened, was not really accurately reported on. Why? Simply because the press is lazy and inclined to give the O-spin version, which, as usual, is NOT THE TRUTH:
"Banana Democrats"
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Posted Monday, June 29, 2009 4:20 PM PT
Americas: During his campaign, President Obama made a big deal of criticizing leaders who are elected democratically but don't govern democratically. He's had a chance to show that it mattered in Honduras. He didn't...
"Yet the U.S. administration stood with Chavez and Castro, calling Zelaya's lawful removal "a coup." Obama called the action a "terrible precedent," and said Zelaya remains president.
"In doing this, the U.S. condemned democrats who stood up to save their democracy, a move that should have been hailed as a historic turning of the tide against the false democracies of the region.
"The U.S. response has been disgraceful. "We recognize Zelaya as the duly elected and constitutional president of Honduras. We see no other," a State Department official told reporters."
Read the sorry rest of the details:
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