Saturday, August 10, 2024

Is There Anything Government Can’t Ruin?

Is There Anything Government Can’t Ruin?


AP Photo/Alex Brandon

I really just hate government. I get why it’s necessary, I’m not an anarchist who wants no government – I’ve lived in both Detroit and Baltimore, so I’ve witnessed enough lawless areas and actions for a lifetime – but most of the time government simply gets in the way. It gets in the way be design; deliberately or by accident, it doesn’t really matter how a giant rock got in the road, it being there is what you have to deal with. That’s government.

I really do long to hear a politician tell someone at a town hall that all they’re going to “do FOR them” is get the government out of their way, because that’s what we really need right now.

You know the scene, you see it every 4 years, someone stands up at a town hall and recites their sad tale of woe about whatever happened in their life that led the to the point that they’re an adult going on national television to beg the government to do something for them. “How are you going to help me?” is the gist of their question.

I would pay real money to see a politician say they weren’t going to do anything to help them, they were going to do everything to allow them to help themselves. 

I want a government that operates like a snowplow – clearing the road for people to go wherever it is they want to go, wherever their car will take them. Government isn’t your Uber driver, you’ve got to do for yourself. 

Government should clear the way so you can get to wherever you want to go, if you can get there at all. All too often, the opposite is the case.

On August 12, 1986, President Ronald Reagan famously said, “I think you all know that I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help.”

Has the government ever helped? I get that it has prevented people from drowning sometimes, but does it teach people to actually swim?

The answer is no, unequivocally. 

The government created the food pyramid, remember that? How’d that work out? Getting enough carbs to be “healthy”? They keep changing it based on lobbying by various interest groups – we’re still subsidizing the hell out of sugar because we don’t have an obesity problem or anything – so how can anyone believe the Department of Agriculture has anything other than the future career moves of bureaucrats in mind when they make their decisions? 

It took decades to get the “right to try” experimental drugs for terminally ill people. What was the Food and Drug Administration afraid of? That people might live? 

Speaking of the FDA, they and the Biden administration are hell bent on banning vaping. Why? As someone who quit smoking with the help of vaping, I can only imagine it’s because big tobacco companies don’t like the idea of losing customers to anything other than death. Adults are free to smoke all the weed they want, all the cigarettes they want, but they don’t want them to vape because they have “flavors”? If you wrote this as fiction your editor would reject the premise as absurd, yet that’s how government rolls.

The same government that does not want you to have alternatives to smoking doesn’t want you to have choice in schooling either. The Department of Education didn’t exist until 1979, thanks to the Jimmy Carter administration. Since then, we’ve gone from the envy of the world on education to a punchline. We spend more money per pupil in “progressive” Democrat-controlled cities than anyone else, yet student can’t read or do basic math. We’re graduating students who can name more genders than they can literally count.

Throughout all of it, the mantra from the left has been, “Big government has failed us, so what we need is bigger government.” 

I don’t expect much from people who continually fail by doing the same thing over and over, they’re crazy, I do hope for better from the people who keep electing them expecting a different result. Sooner or later, they have to notice a lot of the problems in their lives they’re looking for government to solve are caused by government itself, right? You’d think so, but sadly there is no evidence to suggest this is true.

Since we came in with Reagan, it’s only fitting we go out with another of his great quotes. I hope one day soon, millions of our fellow Americans will come to realize what he said in his first inaugural address, that “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”

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