Sunday, January 30, 2022

Why Socialism Cannot Work

Why Socialism Cannot Work


I find the great shift that has happened regarding Covid fascinating.  Two years ago this was all about saving everybody else and not overwhelming the medical care system.  We masked not to protect ourselves from the disease, but to prevent the disease from spreading.  We locked down for “two weeks to stop the spread.”  (Of course, it turned into months….)  In many ways it was an expression of socialist thinking – we were all in this together, etc. etc. etc.  The primary reason, I think, covid policy is largely a matter of left v right is because the Left viewed it as an opportunity to usher in the socialist state they dream of.

Today Ben Shapiro writes about something called “expressive individualism.”  He defines it, “According to Bellah, we are expressive individualists — meaning that ‘each person has a unique core of feeling and intuition that should unfold or be expressed if individuality is to be realized.'”  As an example, “We see this phenomenon most obviously in the bizarre insistence by transgender advocates that not only are they men trapped in women’s bodies or vice versa, but that society mirror that incorrect self-perception.”  He then says about Covid:

But there will be no normalization for those who have made pandemic paranoia a feature of their identity. That’s because the public health establishment has now successfully cultivated a large group of people who measure their moral value by just how compliant and panicked they remain over COVID-19:

The socialistic thinking that began all this has morphed, almost completely, into a matter of selfish concern.  That’s what always happens with socialism, and that is why it never really works.  We are entirely too self-centered.  Thus, socialism always breaks down into cutthroat competition that leaves the entire socialist entity scarred.  This is true of the socialist community described in the first few chapters of Acts in the Bible and it is true of the Soviet Union. Until Christ returns and we are fully perfected, it will not work.

The socialistic ideals of the early lockdowns have long since transmogrified into an oppressive expression of feigned moral superiority from those that consider themselves our betters.

The time has come for all of it to end.

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