Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Don's Tuesday Column

          THE WAY I SEE IT   by Don Polson  Red Bluff Daily News   8/18/2020
    The crazy, slimy, power-mad left

First, anyone advancing the lie that Trump is manipulating the Postal Service to steal the election is either an ignoramus, a partisan hack, or both.

“It’s (schools not reopening) inflicting long-term, lasting damage. I heard a gentleman today…from Harvard (say that) every lost year is $10,000; they (students) lose a tremendous amount of money in the future…on a yearly basis (for) every year of education they lost…every year they’re in school, they gain.

“When you have students at home, playing on a computer, it’s not the same. One thing we’ve learned…it can never be the same as being in a classroom, so we want to get our students back in the classroom. The American Academy of Pediatrics has released guidance, recommendations that schools reopen. They said, ‘Lengthy time away from school and associated interruption of supportive services often results in social isolation, making it difficult for schools to identify and address important learning deficits.’

“The doctors also warned about the increased risk of abuse, substance use, depression and suicide. The National Education Association recently stated, ‘Despite the momentous efforts of educators during the pandemic, online learning has never been an effective replacement for in-person learning and support.’

“Studies estimate that school closures last spring caused the average student to fall 50 percent behind in math, and 35 percent in reading compared to a typical year, compared to being at the school, being with your teachers, being in a classroom. We know learning from a laptop is not great.” (President Trump, 8/12, citing non-conservative studies, doctors, a Harvard professor, American Academy of Pediatrics and the NEA)

Calling Joe Biden “The Slimiest Character in American Politics” might be character assassination; but it might also be an apt description of someone who has, at best, a dismal record of rule-breaking, plagiarism and presidential runs that crashed and burned over said dishonesty.

“Biden has feathered his nest for decades, in part by selling his influence to foreign powers, as in the case of Ukraine’s Burisma, not to mention his more worrisome Chinese connections. This would seem to be a serious offense, but it has been chalked up to ‘Joe being Joe.’ The theory, I guess, is that he is too dumb to know better, and money somehow just finds its way into his pockets.” (John Hinderaker, pjmedia.com, 8/13)

His evident dementia—pitiable when Biden faces unfettered questioning—often induces cringe-worthy responses (“You ain’t black” “Are you a junkie?” “Lying, dog-faced pony soldier” “Come on, man”). That would explain staff repeatedly barking-out “come on, let’s go,” as they hustled news “reporters” gathered for Biden’s big moment: the paper-signing photo-op crowning of his V.P. Kamala Harris.

No shouted questions ad nauseum, as occurs after President Trump’s or Kayleigh McEnany’s pressers; no on-the-spot camera feeds to networks; not even objections, in the “news” segments, to the crass herding of the press. That’s how the Biden media-manipulation machine rolls, giving the “bum’s rush” before any hard, pointed queries are issued—avoiding a fumbled, or even a blank, answer.

The speeches began with a despicable reference to the discredited charge that President Trump encouraged and praised white supremacists in Charlottesville a few years ago. Trump referred to people peacefully, respectfully protesting both for and against removing a Civil War statue, well before the racist KKK-loving thugs arrived. Facts be damned when Democrats utter that lie about Trump.

Democrats can’t actually debate the Trump agenda, values and accomplishments without boldly, repeatedly and shamelessly lying. That’s turning off principled liberals and traditional Democrats. Witness the unapologetic embrace of the most radical, socialistic, violent and deranged form of left-wing movement politics to come down the pike since the bomb-throwers of the Weather Underground, SDS (look it up) and Black Panther movements of the ‘60s and ‘70s.

The partisan media won’t tell you about the #WalkAway movement, www.walkawaycampaign.com, because: “It’s a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka on May 26th, 2018. The #WalkAway Campaign encourages and supports those on the Left to walk away from the divisive tenets endorsed and mandated by the Democratic Party of today.”

“Joe Biden’s Capitulation To The Crazy Left Is Alienating Democrats Like Me—Unlike Biden, Trump is delivering a clear and appealing message: Send kids back to school, support police officers, and get people back to work now” (by Scott J. Street, 8/7):

“Last year, Joe Biden’s path to the presidency seemed clear: Treat President Donald Trump as a historical anomaly whom Biden would replace, then restore American values, overcome petty politics, and get government working again. This message was designed to appeal both to Democrats, like me, and to Republican and Independent voters tired of the toxic political environment we’ve suffered since 2016.”

I would dispute that Trump is responsible for the “toxic political environment.” In Trump’s victory speech, he invited unity and expected that, the election being over, Americans could come together and accept that the executive levers of power would now be in different hands with conservative priorities. Republicans in 2008, while accepting that Barack Obama was president, resolved to use the legitimate, constitutional powers of officeholders to fight for their voters and values.

As we are finding out more each week, Democrats never accepted Trump’s legitimacy. They used the DOJ, the FBI and any handy intelligence and surveillance tool to remove Trump through entrapment, intimidation, sham Russia investigations, the Mueller witch hunt, the 25th Amendment, impeachment hoaxes and rogue federal judges issuing national injunctions beyond their authority. Enabling and oversight came from the highest levels of the Obama/Biden administration and agencies, an unconstitutional coup.

Next week: an honest look at Kamala Harris’ record.

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