Friday, December 11, 2009

This report should kill the bills, send all home

DP: There is nothing remotely favorable about this report, for the passage and support of Obama/Pelosi/Reid care. It couldn't be more true: "The emporor has no clothes." Even the "silver lining" at the end appears to be the reporters editorializing since he doesn't refer to the report as the source of  "provides coverage to 93 percent of Americans." Just think about the journalistic deception and malpractice, evidenced by 1) 90% already have insurance (Obama himself said in speech that "30 million Americans" don't have insurance--which is 10% of 300 million); therefore 2) the bill does not, by definition, "provide coverage" to those 90% that have it already; so 3) If 93% is the firm result, according to a source the reporter doesn't name, this is all for the rather unimpressive result of adding another 3% to the insured pool, which would be another 9 million? Is that right? Trillions to be spent over 3% or so of Americans? Damn right we just want this whole sucker to go down and start over.

"US health care tab to keep growing under overhaul"

By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR, Associated Press Writer Ricardo Alonso-zaldivar, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 17 mins ago

WASHINGTON – A new government report is sending a sober economic warning to Democrats trying to push President Barack Obama's health care overhaul plan through the Senate.

The analysis from nonpartisan economic experts at the Health and Human Services Department concludes that the nation's health care tab will grow more rapidly under the Democratic plan senators are debating. It also calls into question the Democrats' plan to squeeze $493 billion in savings from Medicare over 10 years, saying it "may be unrealistic."

In more bad news, the report released Friday warns that a new long-term care insurance plan included in the legislation could "face a significant risk of failure." The silver lining: The bill provides coverage to 93 percent of Americans.

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