Monday, December 28, 2009

Another source article on CARB scandal

California Eco-Bureaucrats’ Voodoo Science Kills Jobs

“None of this is real,” said the then acting California Air Resources Board (CARB) Scientific Review Panel (SRP) Chairman John Froines during a 1998 Scientific Review Board Meeting. During the discussions, panel chose to rely on bad data to craft regulations now killing small businesses throughout the state. The comment referred to the data being considered as the basis for developing rules that controlled levels of particulate matter from diesel exhaust. Though the numbers were unreal, the unintended consequences of CARB rule enforcement based on voodoo science is very real...

CARB is similarly ignoring real numbers and applying voodoo science tactics.

Why are they doing this? It is important to understand that CARB has a $700 million/annual budget and 1300 employees. That is enough money to fund 7000 teachers! Or give 700, one-million dollar small businesses loans each year – loans that could be repaid to the citizens once these enterprises proved successful. Government entities backed by so much public monies are not readily inclined to part with it...

Read the whole article:

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