on an army of "fat (or not-so-fat) cats" whose sole reason-for-living is to serve the financial needs of their neighbors and communities:
"Fat Cats, Obamacare, and Clueless Beltway Lobbyists"
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 9:15 AM
The president's verbal assault on "fat cat bankers" contained no standards for identifying who those "fat cats" are --a dangerous thing, really, as it allows an enemies list to develop but also to omit everyone near you with the appropriate net worth or background connections. (How many folks on the White House staff have net worth in the "fat cat" range, I wonder?) This is the rhetoric of Alinsky, and it is reckless and demagogic. It also serves to chill economic activity as people with money sense the coming assault and begin to squirrel it away. After the assault on private jets earlier this year, I was approached by a steward for a private plane service who asked me to thank everyone in D.C. for arranging for her hours to fall to 20% of what they had been. The folks who rely on the fat cats for their livelihoods --realtors, retailers, not-for-profits etc-- must have similar feelings today.
The president's bad temper may be because of his poll numbers (see Clark Judge's column below) or because Obamacare has hit a series of obstacles that may grow even larger in the next couple of days. No matter. This sort of attack is bad news for the country and for the president who, despite his nose-dive in the polls, has remained a likeable figure. That won't last much longer if he continues his attacks on Americans doing what Americans have always tried to do, which is to make profits and businesses grow. There is certainly a part of the president's party that will cheer attacks on economic success generally and bankers specifically, but most Americans reject class warfare and the ugly politics that flow from it.
Obamacare is indeed in a showdown week, and here are the five things you can do to make sure the Senate leaves for its Christmas break without having moved us one step closer to a disaster for American medicine...
Read the very-necessary rest:
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