Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Unemployment, jobless recovery dog Obama

From Jennifer Rubin, a masterful analysis, with some unintended help from the NY Times, of just how it is that leftist, big-government, anti-private sector policies have failed to generate recovery, and will not likely provide a healthy economy for Dems to run on next year:

"And while voters may not blame the president or his party (despite their ample role in fomenting the housing crisis) for the recession, they are likely to, and with good reason, hold him responsible for an anemic recovery. Why? Because he has utterly ignored or rejected proposals to promote private-sector job growth and instead set out on a course to burden, tax, regulate, and hound American employers. There is nothing in the array of Obama policy choices to encourage job growth and much to stymie it.

"The Times story neatly avoids the reasons for the “jobless recovery.” But others are not. James Sherk of Heritage makes a compelling case that the problem is not persistent layoffs but a drop in job creation. The labor market simply can’t absorb new workers entering the labor force. That slowdown in job creation, he says, is in large part attributable to “enormous increases in federal spending on traditional liberal priorities, such as for government-run health care, [which] raise the prospects of vastly higher taxes or rapidly rising inflation.”


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