Thursday, September 17, 2009

Use energy? Want to continue? Not w/O-Dems

"In a less tumultuous historical moment, energy policy would be the issue of the day. The United States, for reasons that remain unfathomable, continues to be the only country in the world that refuses to develop its own energy resources. As a result, our economy is competing in the global marketplace with one hand tied behind its back. Washington ostensibly is focused, above all else, on restoring our economy and creating jobs, yet our politicians perversely refuse to take the most obvious steps to bring down costs, make our economy more competitive, and create hundreds of thousands of high-paying jobs.

"Today the Institute for Energy Research brought more bad news from the political front:

"As our chief global competitors continue to expand their access to job-creating, economy-strengthening energy resources, the U.S. Senate Environment Committee held another hearing today focused on subsidizing inefficient, intermittent, and expensive energy sources, while discouraging access to affordable and reliable ones.

"Following the hearing, Thomas J. Pyle, president of the Institute for Energy Research, issued this statement:

"Another week, and another missed opportunity by Congress to address our nation's growing energy crisis. Russia is brokering a deal with communist Cuba to drill just miles from the Florida Keys. ...

""Our national energy strategy is upside down. Instead of advancing meaningful, supply-oriented policies that keep energy affordable for all Americans - like the ones China, Russia and Cuba are advancing - our leaders are hard at work restricting access to our vast domestic supplies, taxing our affordable carbon based energy sources, and showering the "green" energy brokers on Wall Street with subsidies (tax dollars) and mandates. Increased domestic energy production creates good-paying jobs here at home. Washington must focus on creating these good jobs, not exporting them offshore."...

" It is certain that at least some of Cuba's wells will tap oil pools that straddle the boundary separating our zone from Cuba's. In other words, Havana will get oil that should be ours. ... If Russia, Cuba and others can drill off the coast of Florida, why can't we?"

Read the whole thing, but only if you think America should have energy:

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