Friday, September 25, 2009

Sound the alarm...Raise hue and cry, pt 4

I'm sure, sadly, that liberals and gov't health care proponents will simply have nothing critical to say about the full, ultimately armed, power of the state, in the hands of the left, imposing restrictions, prohibitions against an American company exercising its First Amendment Constitutional right to communicate with its constituents and customers.

Come on, wake up and smell the dank stench of statist intimidation. It begs the analogy to the complaint voiced in Germany about how they came for one group after another, without people rising up to stop it, until there was no one left to defend the remaining believers in freedom. In this case, its just the stifling of dissent and free speech...just.

Here is the masterful description of what is going on, delivered by Sen. Mitch McConnel:

"Obama is stifling dissent on health care reform" By: Sen. Mitch McConnell

""Let's review: at the instigation of the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the author of the health care legislation now working its way through Congress, the Executive Branch, through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, has launched an investigation into Humana for explaining to seniors how this legislation might affect their coverage.

"One more time: a private health care provider told its elderly clients how health care legislation might affect their lives. And now the federal government is putting its full weight into investigating that company at the request of the senator who wrote the legislation in question.

"And we now find out that the concerns that this company was raising to its clients were perfectly legitimate, according to the director of the CBO.

"This is so clearly an outrage it's hard to believe anyone thought it would go unnoticed. For explaining to seniors how legislation might affect them, the federal government has now issued a gag order on that company, and any other company that communicates with clients on the issue, telling them to shut up -- or else.

"This is precisely the kind of thing Americans are worried about with the administration's health care plan. They're worried that handing government the reins over their health care will lead to just this kind of intimidation. They're worried that government agencies which were created to enforce violations even-handedly will instead be used against those who voice a different point of view. ...

Read the rest:

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