Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tennessee House Passes Law Allowing Armed Teachers, Lefties Hold 'Die-In'

AP Photo/George Walker IV

What is it with leftists and big dramatic protests?

The Tennessee House of Representatives just passed a bill allowing teachers to carry concealed in schools, and Gov. Bill Lee (R-Tenn.) is expected to sign it into law.

Such a bill would require background checks, training, and approval from the school for teachers to be armed. All of that can be debated until the cows come home, but this is about lefties’ reaction to the bill.

The Tennessean described how protesters hysterically chanted "blood on your hands" and "stomped down at lawmakers."

Robby Starbuck posted footage of some of the protests on X,  specifically a scene where people, including State Rep. Justin Jones (D, but you probably knew that already), staged a "die-in" on the House floor.

Look, I know protesting is meant to grab attention, but do you really need to lie down on the floor and make walking inconvenient for everybody else? And why not do something more active?

In fairness, staging this silly "die-in" as a form of protest makes a modicum of sense given what issue they are protesting, even if you have to be stupid enough to genuinely believe that letting teachers carry concealed means more kids will somehow die. Do they expect carrying teachers to start shooting kids who misbehave or something?

Regardless of how you feel about Tennessee's law, leftists have a knack for whipping up hysteria over anything conservatives do, usually claiming that people will die and all hell will break loose when some new law they hate is passed.

As I wrote about at the beginning of February, a bunch of jokers here in Florida did the same "die-in" tactic in protest of a law Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) signed into law.

That law in question? It's illegal to switch the "M" to "F" or the other way around on your driver's license. They would lay down in front of tax collectors throughout the state with signs saying things like "killed by the FL DMV/Ron DeSantis," "The Nazis kept track of us too," and "Hitler's steps: 1. Ban books. 2. Identify queer people."

I did not get it back then, and I still don't get it now.

A month later out in Missouri, some gentleman dressed like a Blue Meanie in a Marie Antoinette wig spoke against a law banning drag shows for kids by saying it would "eradicate gender nonconforming people from the public square" and create "a vacuum of hyper vacancy, of wealth inequality, and a whole bunch of trauma."

And as we've seen a bit more recently, a bunch of college kids at Columbia University and other schools up north are wailing and gnashing their teeth about "genocide" in Gaza as Israel seeks to destroy Hamas once and for all in retaliation for October 7.

What makes the latest case much nastier, as many of my colleagues here at PJ Media have noted, is that they are openly also calling for the destruction of Israel and the United States.


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