Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Don's Tuesday Column

THE WAY I SEE IT   by Don Polson   Red Bluff Daily News   10/03/2023

Observations on news items

In their “infinite wisdom,” our betters in Sacramento say a $20 per hour minimum wage sill solve a host of ills. Having decades in food service work, from shlepping to catering to sales, service and management, I can assure readers that minimum wage hikes are the opposite of what entry-level workers need and benefit from.

Their low-skill capabilities aren’t worth $12, $15, $20 or whatever arbitrary number rich legislators and union advocates deem “fair.” Rush Limbaugh used to shut down such debates by saying “Why not $20 (when minimum wage was $7)? Why not $40 or $50, since it’s just about their personal economic needs?”

These economic dunces, who never signed the front of a paycheck, are clueless that the “yootes” have no skills; they could learn them at a fraction of the current wage, but aren’t worth imposed, inflated wages. So, rather than giving them a low-wage entry-level position with advancement as they improve, they just don’t get hired, laze around parents’ basements or garages with their little screens, while businesses figure ways to serve food with fewer workers, using technology, or expand operations elsewhere.

“Progressive” solution? Money-for-nothing guaranteed income paid for with pixie dust, unicorn farts and scalping those rascally, stingy rich folks. SEIU union hacks will surely organize the lay-abouts to demand more.

Next, our admirable local congressman, Doug LaMalfa, simplified the debt ceiling fight in an email: It’s over “secure borders,” “reduced government spending” and “bringing back a basic level of common sense.” He probably knows as we do that Democrats consider “open borders,” endless spending and debt, and far-left, ideological Marxism superior to the common-sense that guides families, businesses and many state governments.

Dems want the country flooded with ignorant, third-world, illegal aliens; indulged with “Democrat government” cheese/largesse, they’re fast-tracked into legal voters whose “mail-in” ballots are “harvested” to provide endless Democrat rule. Cue the long-sought totalitarian, communist hierarchy of rich rulers redistributing from earners to non-earners.

The Biden/Democrat cabal predicts “shutdown,” complete with made-to-order sob stories from federal employees who have never lost a day’s pay in previous shutdowns (we left a note about that at a shut nature preserve in the 90s). It’s a thinly-veiled “feature” of their never-ending propaganda campaign, using news media to advance their goals.

The longest “shutdown,” during Trump’s presidency, was an “open borders” victory for the Dems, as they succeeded in forcing a cutoff of funds for the border wall. Their “holy grail”: Stop the wall; and flood the nation with future Democrats (see above).

Democrats’ shameless attempted manipulation—however brief but still useful for “Republican shutdown” headlines—consisted of 1) Democrat Jamaal Bowman pulling a fire alarm—a crime—to empty the chamber and push the vote past the deadline;

And 2) moving to adjourn until Monday—also creating a “shutdown—ostensibly so they could read the “continuing resolution.” Yes, the same Democrat Party that insisted on 12-hour deadlines to vote on 2,500-page omnibus bills—now insisted on days to read…a 71-page bill.

They never shed a crocodile tear over shut churches, schools, playgrounds, events, bars or personal-care vendors (which Nancy Pelosi infamously ignored to get her wash-n-blow).

Let’s give a passing nod of sympathy to the personal loss of Senator Diane Feinstein by her family and relatives. That said, this writer feels no more obligation to praise Feinstein than Democrats have displayed whenever a Republican icon passes—meaning none.

Centrist John McCain and conservative Jesse Helms were both pilloried. Democrats’ principle seems to be that every current Republican leader is a “fascist, Nazi, white supremacist,” until the next one comes along—when the last one becomes a paragon of moderation and probity.

In this case, 1) Don’t start a “drinking game” over “Feinstein’s a centrist,” as you’ll have a hangover for days. Feinstein was about the most left-wing of all U.S. Senators, earning a “zero” from the American Conservative Union (along with Democrats Jeff Merkley and Patrick Leahy). Not one single vote for a conservative Republican bill.

For a realistic, unvarnished analysis of Feinstein, look up “China’s Doll Departs,” by Lloyd Billingsley, at https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/09/chinas-doll-departs.php and posted at https://donpolson.blogspot.com/ this morning.

“Sen. Dianne Feinstein has departed this life at the age of 90. The California Democrat can be remembered in several ways, especially as the American politician most faithful to the People’s Republic of China.”

From pointing to China’s 25 years of “economic and industrial progress” on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre; to removing the annual congressional review of China’s record on human rights and weapons proliferation; to having had a Chinese Communist Party spy on her staff for some 20 years—it was always “China first, America last,” the way I see it. The CCP’s responsibility for 60 million murders under communism’s rule? Move along, nothing to see here. Read “China’s Doll Departs” for more.

Also, never forget her self-serving press conference as San Francisco Mayor wherein she tipped off the “Hillside Strangler,” Richard Ramirez, about the evidence prosecutors had on him, prompting him to get rid of said evidence and relocate back to Southern California for more murders and mayhem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Ramirez).

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