Friday, July 28, 2023

RASHEED WALTERS: The Case For Donald Trump

RASHEED WALTERS: The Case For Donald Trump

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images


Editor’s note: Big Tent Ideas always aims to provide balancing perspectives on the hottest issues of the day. Below is a column from political commentator Rasheed Walters arguing that voters should choose former President Donald Trump in the 2024 GOP primary. You can find a counterpoint here, where Josh Hammer argues that Ron DeSantis is the best choice for Republicans.

For many in the Republican Party, Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, is not only revered as a great leader but also as the party’s godfather. Unfortunately, Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen X were either not old enough or born to truly appreciate the magnitude of Reagan.

After Reagan’s presidency, the only other Republican presidents were the father-and-son neoconservative duo of George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. As a result of the warmongering policies of both Bush administrations, the United States became embroiled in a never-ending war in the Middle East, one in which it had no business participating, and the Republican Party lost a large number of potential voters, especially among young people. This was due in large part to the failed policies of both Bush administrations, and the Republican Party’s transition from the party of the common man and woman to the party of the globalists, neocons, and elite.  

The uniparty of America-last Democrats and Republicans dominated our politics, and the groans, moans, and pain of the American people continued to fall on the uniparty’s deaf ears. Until 2015, when billionaire businessman Donald Trump descended down a golden escalator and announced his intention to run for president of the United States.

Trump did something that was never done before by taking on and defeating the establishments of both parties and the fake news media, two institutions that have destroyed our country. Trump returned the Republican Party back to the people, and under a new direction, America First, Trump’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) is the greatest populist movement in U.S. history. (RELATED: RASHEED WALTERS: Yes, The Ukraine War Is A Territorial Dispute)

While Trump ran an impressive campaign in 2016, his actual performance in government is what really matters. Trump’s presidency was a blockbuster show that left the audience in awe, surpassing any other performance by a president in US history, even Reagan’s. Under President Trump, the U.S. unleashed energy independence, which made the US a net exporter of oil for the first time in 75 years; peace through strength dominated our foreign policies, keeping Americans safe and the world’s ruthless despots in check; a historic China trade deal; and strong immigration and border polices that reduced illegal immigration. Trump has demonstrated a consistent commitment to putting America first and cleaning up the squalor in Washington, D.C. 

The uniparty establishment still harbors deep animosity for Trump because he refuses to sell out to them, and this is evidenced not only by the relentless media assaults but also by the erroneous civil suits and criminal prosecutions that have been brought against him. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is a ship sailing against the current of Trump’s tide in the GOP primary, representing the Republican Establishment, who are so eager to get rid of Trump.

Not only did DeSantis exploit Trump and his backing to win the 2018 Florida gubernatorial race, but he has spent his entire first term acting like a Trump clone. DeSantis’s campaign against Trump and his America First philosophy, of which he falsely claimed to be a proponent, revealed that the whole thing was a charade to obtain power. DeSantis’s ship of leadership sank in the Disney debacle, leaving him stranded in a sea of failure and embarrassment. When Mickey Mouse can easily trick you, how can you expect to outsmart cunning foxes like President Xi of China and President Putin? If DeSantis becomes President, he’ll be squeezed like a Florida orange until he’s as fluid as its juice under the immense pressure of international politics. (RELATED: MIKE MCKENNA: How To Win The Republican Primary)

Former President Donald Trump is the American people’s avenger, returning their government and nation to them. Governor Ron DeSantis is the avenger of the globalist establishment, who wants to keep the government and our nation all to themselves.

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