Thursday, July 20, 2023




A new Issues&Insights/TIPP poll found that 56% of those surveyed think it’s either very likely or somewhat likely that President Joe Biden took bribes from foreign nationals during his vice presidency. Just 27% said it was not very likely and 18% were not sure.

Participants were asked, “How likely is it that the claims made by government whistleblowers alleging that President Biden, his son Hunter, and other members of his family have received up to $30 million from sources connected to foreign governments, including China, Russia, and Ukraine, are true?”

Among Democrats, 39% said it was very likely or somewhat likely, compared to 42% who found it unlikely and 19% who were unsure. For a party that generally sticks together, the nearly even divide in the results was startling. At the risk of reading too much into a single poll, it’s possible the work of the House Republicans is starting to resonate with members of Biden’s own party.

Among independents, those believing it was likely climbed to 45%, while 22% found it unlikely and 22% were unsure. This is an ominous sign for Team Biden, who is counting on independent voters to break his way next year.

As one would expect, 80% of Republicans believed Biden likely took money while a mere 9% said it was unlikely and 10% were unsure.

The poll of 1,341 adults was conducted between July 5 through July 7 and has a margin of error of +/-2.7 points.

Issues & Insights broke the survey results down into 36 major demographic and political sectors and found that “all had either an outright majority or plurality saying they believed Biden engaged in bribery except two: Democrats and liberals.”

Despite the stonewalling efforts of FBI Director Christopher Wray, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and other top administration officials, House Republicans have managed to produce a steady drip of bad news for several months. Rather than innuendo, Congress has provided concrete evidence to support their allegations of the Biden family’s vast influence peddling scheme.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) has been examining the Biden family’s money trail closely. Last week, Comer told Fox News’ Jason Chafetz that he should have additional information soon. He said:

We’re up to six banks now, Jason, and we’re gonna have an announcement hopefully next week. More findings, more disturbing findings. Bank records don’t lie. People make a big issue out of taxes but people cheat on their taxes all the time, but it’s hard to cheat on bank records.

The HOC will hold a hearing next Wednesday titled, “Hearing with IRS Whistleblowers About the Biden Criminal Investigation,” 

One committee member told The New York Post that the second IRS whistleblower, who has so far remained anonymous, will be identified at the hearing.

In an announcement of the hearing on the HOC website, Comer said:

Thanks to the good work of Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, IRS whistleblowers recently provided information to Congress that confirm many findings of our investigation. Additionally, these whistleblowers provided information about how the Justice Department refused to follow evidence that implicated Joe Biden, tipped off Hunter Biden’s attorneys, allowed the clock to run out with respect to certain charges, and put Hunter Biden on the path to a sweetheart plea deal. Americans are rightfully angry about this two-tiered system of justice that seemingly allows the Biden family to operate above the law. We need to hear from whistleblowers and other witnesses about this weaponization of federal law enforcement power. This hearing is an opportunity for the American people to hear directly from these credible and brave whistleblowers. I look forward to their testimony as the Oversight Committee, along with the House Judiciary Committee and Ways and Means Committee, work to deliver transparency and accountability.

Hopefully, continued revelations from the House GOP investigators will persuade the 19% of Democrats, the 22% of Independents, and the 10% of Republicans who are still undecided about Biden’s involvement in the family business and maybe even change the minds of those who don’t believe it’s true. As Comer said, “Bank records don’t lie.”

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