Friday, December 24, 2021




Hans Bader at Liberty Unyielding discloses a sickening story from the Biden administration: it is now introducing race into our health care system:

[T]he Biden administration is now giving doctors a financial incentive to blame “differences in health outcomes” on “systemic racism” against minorities, and to adopt “value statements” that treat race as a “political” rather than “physiological” reality, even though some health conditions (like sickle-cell anemia and Tay-Sachs disease) have physiological causes linked to people’s racial background.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that the Biden administration will offer bonuses to doctors who “create and implement an anti-racism plan” under new rules from the Department of Health and Human Services, that revise Medicare payments:

Effective Jan. 1, Medicare doctors can boost their reimbursement rates by conducting “a clinic-wide review” of their practice’s “commitment to anti-racism.” The plan should cover “value statements” and “clinical practice guidelines,” according to HHS, and define race as “a political and social construct, not a physiological one”—a dichotomy many doctors say will discourage genetic testing and worsen racial health disparities.

The “rationale” for the bonus, the new rules read, is that “it is important to acknowledge systemic racism as a root cause for differences in health outcomes between socially-defined racial groups.”

As Hans notes, “[t]he Biden administration is essentially applying critical race theory to medicine, by treating racial disparities as having political causes — namely, being due to racism. The more extreme brands of critical race theory argue that all racial disparities are due to racism.” But of course this is ridiculous. Asians and Hispanics, on the average, live longer than whites. This has nothing to do with racism, just as the fact that Asians on average earn more money than whites, blacks and Hispanics has nothing to do with race or racism.

As terrible as the Biden’s policies are for our economy, what they are doing to the fabric of our society is even worse.

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