Folks, there’s something you need to understand, “Green Energy” is a scam, it’s always been a scam.
The environmental impact of just ONE Rare Earth mine (the materials needed to make the batteries and magnets for all of the windmills, the batteries for your “green electric car” and solar cells, as well as pretty much every electronic device you own) is worse than every oil well in the US combined.
That’s not even counting the refining of those same materials. The “rare earths” are toxic as Hades to start with and the chemicals used to refine them are worse, and most of the mining and refining takes place in Third-World hell holes, or China — neither one of which gives two thoughts to environmental impact.
Electric cars, leaving aside the battery issue, require electricity to be generated — which, because the “green movement” has pretty well shuttered the construction of new nuclear plants (no, they’re not going to kill you, no not even Fukushima, that took a nine on the Richter Scale earthquake and a major tsunami to cause a meltdown and there hasn’t been even one direct death, Three Mile Island was actually a success of reactor containment and Chernobyl required incompetence on every level of a degree only the Soviets could pull off.) means most of the power for those “green” cars is generated with coal, which, yes, is pretty nasty stuff. In fact the radiation released by coal plants is many times worse than every nuclear disaster ever, and is probably responsible for lung cancers than smoking. Truly folks, coal is nasty stuff.
Driving your cute electric car? Yeah, you’re just out-sourcing your pollution to something even dirtier than gasoline. (And modern emissions systems are so good that 99 percent-ish of the emissions are nothing but water vapor, not carbon dioxide.) Drive it if it makes you feel better, but that’s literally all it’s doing for the environment — making you feel better.
Don’t get me started on the government programs that pay enviro groups to sue the government with taxpayer dollars to shut down anything they decide is verbotten this hour.
Like your windfarms? Think they’re going to save the planet? Probably not, but fine, whatevs. But the Kansas Sierra Club opposes them because — I kid you not — of their impact on the Lesser Prairie Chicken.
Let’s say for the sake of argument that global warming is real — I’m not convinced, for a number of reasons having, yes, everything to do with the enviroGod Science, but for the sake of argument.
You want to fix it? Do what one of the guys who founded Greenpeace said and get behind nuclear. It’s zero emissions folks, and we’ve known how to deal with the waste for decades — it gets reprocessed into fuel rods for different types of reactors.
Let’s say for the sake of argument that global warming is real — I’m not convinced, for a number of reasons having, yes, everything to do with the enviroGod Science, but for the sake of argument.
You want to fix it? Do what one of the guys who founded Greenpeace said and get behind nuclear. It’s zero emissions folks, and we’ve known how to deal with the waste for decades — it gets reprocessed into fuel rods for different types of reactors.
Even Michael Moore at this point recognizes green energy is a scam. His latest documentary exposes many of the lies of the green movement — and the utter hypocrisy as well.
Dig this quote from the above referenced article — and yeah, my left leaning friends it’s Breitbart, doesn’t mean they’re wrong:
It’s a scam so brazen that an environmental fund — Green Century Funds — promoted by Bill McKibben’s turns out on examination to have less than 1 percent of its holdings in the solar and wind industry; the other 99 percent comprises oil and gas infrastructure (including tar sands); biofuels; logging companies, and banks.
You read that right boys and girls. A major “green” fund thinks so little of green energy most of it’s investments are in more traditional energy sources.
Stunning right? Par for the course.
Look, no one wants a dirty environment. No one wants unsafe water or filthy air. No, not even us evil conservatives. I grew up hunting and fishing, and I want to take my grandchildren and teach them the joys of nature I found as a child.
The problem is, so-called green energy, just isn’t. It’s a pipe dream for those who don’t know better, and a path to money and power for those who do — and are unscrupulous enough to take advantage.
What we need is sane energy policy. We need to get off coal by prioritizing (yes, I mean subsidizing) clean nuclear and natural gas technologies. We get enough nuclear generation — or (faster please) a breakthrough in fusion — then electric cars suddenly become much more viable — particularly with the advances in capacitor technology I’m hearing rumbles of.
You claim to be all about science? Then don’t take my word for it. Do the research. I did. See if you don’t come to the same conclusion I did.
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