I keep hearing about all of these Illegal Aliens present in the USA, who “are law-abiding, hard-working, and kept out of trouble”. Why, we are scolded, are we so intent on removing these stellar people who have done NOTHING wrong.
Well, except for being in this country without our consent.
Piffle. Such a minor offense, if you can CALL it an offense. A minor misdemeanor.
Oh, really?
The fact is, those aliens have committed multiple crimes – crimes that, in fact, DO hurt Americans – quite a lot.
- Their presence in this country leads them to be a net drain on the economy – The Office of the Census reports that 63% of immigrants get some sort of government subsidy, often some form of welfare. Even after residing here for many years, they are MORE likely to use this government aid than citizens.
- A person who is not legally resident in this country cannot work without breaking the law (a crime). Those exempted from this include those given refugee status, resident aliens with work permits, and DACA recipients (many of whom are not truly eligible, but were given that status by the Former President Obama, with fake stories – a crime).
- Many try to by-pass the laws about non-citizen ineligibility for work with phony documents. They may be wholly made up, with fake paperwork and numbers (a crime), or stolen/purchased from one who is a legal citizen/resident (a crime).
- Identity Theft is not only a crime, but causes both great expense and time to straighten out by the person legally owning that identity – that cost is born by the CITIZEN whose identity was stolen. Worse, there are Americans who have been put in jail because of a crime committed by the fraudster, who have been denied health care because of medical issues of these criminals, and who have had their Income Tax Refunds STOLEN by these people. A few have even been audited because income of the criminal that was reported by the employer was not known to the CITIZEN who did not include it on his return. Read more about Identity Theft by Aliens here.
- The 9/11 Commission signaled out Identity Theft as a major way that terrorists are embedded into this country (a crime).
- BTW, the IRS, when they find a stolen identity, does not contact the actual holder of that identity to let them know their identity has been stolen.
- If that alien has children who are not citizens, they are often enrolled in public schools (a non-reportable crime, thanks to a Supreme Court decision). See here for a map of which areas have high numbers of illegal aliens in schools. The Supreme Court has already ruled that illegal aliens MUST be enrolled in schools, and that the schools cannot charge them the normal fee for non-residents of that city. The problem is growing, and the longer we continue to tolerate illegal aliens in our country, the more children will be born as US citizens – which the family will use to argue for “regularization” of the aliens’ status. One great thing that Betsy DeVos has done is to bring up the issue of schools acting like “sanctuaries” for aliens.
- If they, or a member of their family not a citizen gets sick, they go to the hospital, and receive care for free, often with Obamacare enrollment on which they LIED about their status (a crime), or failed to provide documents. Some health care centers, funded with Federal money, have ignored alien status to treat patients not eligible. Let’s not forget that when a poor person is enrolled in Obamacare, he gets a Tax Credit (a crime).
- Some collect food stamps to help support their family (a crime). A report from a case manager about Food Stamp Fraud. Others get housing subsidies, income support through Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) – technically, not welfare, but – it really IS.
So, the next time someone tells you how important immigration is to this country, you might want to reference this post.
BTW, you will also want to read the Front Page Magazine article, by Michael Cutler, that sparked this post.
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