Monday, March 14, 2016

The Fact That Trump is Provocative Does Not Excuse Left-Wing Crybullies Rioting in the Streets

The Fact That Trump is Provocative Does Not Excuse Left-Wing Crybullies Rioting in the Streets

Glenn Reynolds is right.
So is Jazz Shaw.
All the other candidates made a linkage between Trump's "dangerous rhetoric" and these riots. That is a deep error of principle -- you do not make apologies for riotous censors -- and a huge political mistake. One should never align oneself with an ugly mob of one's enemies.
If it looks like there's political advantage to be gained from it -- look again. You're wrong.
The time to speak out against Trump's "beat 'em up for me" rhetoric at rallies was at the debate, when it was asked about. It is wrong to link that to the Mob's Veto now. If you feel chagrined you didn't speak up when you should have, that's kind of too bad.
At least avoid linking your criticism of Trump (which is perfectly fine, standing on its own) to a justification for the left's angry, violent censors.
Cruz did this too (as did Kasich), but I'm not sure either was as forceful in making the case that "leaders cannot just say whatever they want" claim that Rubio did.
If I were Cruz, I'd actually say "I was wrong to conflate the two things. Trump's roughhouse incitement is wrong, and the left's most recent riot is wrong, but it's also wrong to draw a line between them and by doing so justify the latter."
I think it might help. I think it would show a strength of character that Trump lacks, and a confidence in one's thinking, to say "I erred."
Update: Carl Cameron says that Cruz is "taking a different tack" from Rubio and Kasich, noting that the BLM and OWS protesters coming to Trump rallies are coming there looking for a fight. Commneters have also pointed out that he repeatedly defends Trump's right to hold a rally free of intimidation and riots.

Something the Perfect Trumpian Man, The Ultimate Male, cannot say.

I can't believe that Rubio is taking the "you can't just say whatever you want" position. That is exactly what is driving this. People are sick of being told they cannot speak freely at any moment in their lives.
I am very opposed to Trump and I fear this new Social Justice Warrior convulsion, plus Trump being the victim of it, plus his rivals kinda-sorta making excuses for the SJWs, will wind up delivering Trump five victories on Super Tuesday II.
It's worse than a crime, it's a mistake. (As they say.)
Incidentally, though this won't matter because facts just don't matter, Trump is himself a PC Goon. He piled on Pamela Geller when she staged her draw Mohammad event. Hours after an Islamist shot at her conference (and wounded a cop, IIRC), Trump fired his own shots:

The U.S. has enough problems without publicity seekers going out and openly mocking religion in order to provoke attacks and death. BE SMART

Trump is not committed to freedom. What he values most highly is order.That's because he's an authoritarian.
And when someone like Pam Gellar speaks up and says something politically incorrect which causes a break in order, his reaction is to attack the person "making trouble" -- here, the speaker, not the shooter.
After all, if Pam Gellar had just remained orderly and kept her drawing between the lines of acceptability, none of this disorder would have occurred.
The fact that Trump is a weird, power-loving authoritarian should not be controversial. He's said as much, heaping praise on the Chinese government for being "strong," dismissing Gorbachev -- who's "Openness" initiative freed the Russian people for a time (but it turned out they longed to be ruled, and gave that freedom up) -- as not having a firm enough hand.
What were your other impressions of the Soviet Union?I was very unimpressed. Their system is a disaster. What you will see there soon is a revolution; the signs are all there with the demonstrations and picketing. Russia is out of control and the leadership knows it. That’s my problem with Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand.
You mean firm hand as in China?
When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world--

This is why I call this "fascist." Fascists glorify force and power absent any consideration of principle. Trump found fault with Gorbachev for his "weakness" -- without any acknowledgement of the fact that Gorbachev's "weakness" was an act of great courage and rightness.When people rise up to protest a hopelessly corrupt and failed system, youshould let them have their say.
But that doesn't enter into Trump's calculations. The only important thing is having power and keeping power. Therefore, Gorbachev's a fag.
Similarly, he heaps praise on the Chinese (and now claims one of the few words he's running on, "strong," is not a compliment). The Chinese did the right thing by brutally putting down those protesters -- doesn't matter that those protesters were in the right.
What matters is that a government which had the power of force used that force to break someone's will.
That's all that matters. Strength, force, power, coercion.
I guess George III would have proven himself a worthy tyrant had he just fought the Revolutionary War more viciously and stamped the American revolt down. Gotta have a firm hand.
This is why the Michelle Fields incident is important. Not because, as someone so eloquently said, because "some bitch dropped a curling iron on her arm." But because it's a power-worshipping, force-loving group of thugs getting off on their power and ability to get away with inflicting force on their opponents.
I know a lot of people view this as a good way to inflict vengeance on Democrats. The problem is... Michelle Fields and Breitbart were not Democrats. They're allies.
They were just in the way, and asking an impertinent question.
They got the exact same treatment that some are hoping Trump gives "the bad guys."
Trouble is, he seems to think anyone objecting to him is "a bad guy." Today it's Michelle Fields.
Who knows -- tomorrow, when he goes back to his old position on assault weapons and decides you are now a nutter making trouble like Pamela Gellar, it could be you.
Yes, this is authoritarianism.
Yes, this is... well, it's not fascism yet, because you can't be fascist without actually controlling government. But yeah, a power-loving, force-worshipping personality type -- that's the type of person who is inclined to fascism once he possesses the means of implementing it.
We are going to get our asses kicked unholy by Hillary Clinton in November. Those of you who think that this act is going to be super-popular and attract all of these "new voters"... I know you want to think that, but at some point, your theories really ought to begin evidencing their reality in the polls.
Instead, Hillary's lead continues to grow. It will keep on growing.
Because America does not like authoritarians. And yes, Hillary is herself an authoritarian. But she's pretending to not be one, and Trump is... well, Trump is "authentic" on that score I guess.

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