by Don Polson Red
Bluff Daily News 4/29/2014
Lawlessness, terrorists—in eye of beholder
The just-concluded Red Bluff Roundup is a reminder
that the entire sport—from ranch hand rodeos displaying practical aspects of cattle
wrangling and horsemanship, up to and including commercialized, widely promoted
events—are based on the range, the ranch and the men and women whose vocations
derive there from. Take away the range, either through conversion into
residential spreads too small for herds or by arbitrary governmental regulatory
decree, and there is the risk of relegating the entire heritage and viability
of cattle ranches into outdoor museums.
The Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land
Management (BLM), a relative new kid on the western block compared to
century-plus ranching operations, makes decisions about species and habitats
never specifically voted on by the people’s elected representatives. Such
decisions recently stirred up armed resistance in Nevada. The BLM also simply
decreed, again absent a vote by the people or their elected officials, that a
legal, longstanding grazing right for rancher Cliven Bundy in Nevada was now
subject to further limits on the number of cattle—a fraction of what he and
generations of Bundys had sustainably grazed there.
He refused to recognize the BLM’s authority and right
to issue decrees over the 20+ year old designation of turtle habitat, while
continuing to charge grazing fees for a vastly reduced economic value. Bundy
was the victim of a literal “taking” of a previously agreed monetary grazing
right—without compensation as would be required were the BLM to condemn part of
his private property for a public use, like a road, etc. The BLM then used
legal, regulatory and judicial authority to commence seizing what they deemed
“trespass cattle,” meaning they acted as, if not the judge and jury, certainly
the executioner or jailer for Bundy’s private property.
I’ve stated it as forthrightly as possible, while
presenting facts and a perspective that has eluded even certain conservative
commentators who have simplified the situation to a “rule of, and adherence to,
the law until it’s legally changed through the democratic process.” The
“Bundy-as-scofflaw” theme is an arguable one and contains correlations to the
so-called “tax protester” refusing to pay income taxes. However, tax laws are
changed and amended by our elected representatives, not by the enforcing
mechanism of the IRS itself; the actions of the BLM, as stated above, proceeded
from bureaucratic decisions many degrees removed from direct Congressional
Indeed, when an existing use of land or resources
predates newer rules or laws by agencies or lawmakers, the most important
considerations and rights are 1) the “grandfathering” of those uses previously
legal—for over a hundred years in Bundy’s case—or 2) a fair and open
compensation for value lost. These are among the most basic of mandates upon
government in the panoply, or bundle, of private property rights that predate even
the U.S. Constitution.
The willingness and appearance of armed citizens and
militia members is troubling on one level but encouraging on another when one
considers that the only recourse against militarized despotism by agencies such
as the BLM, ATFE, and others (the Department of Education has SWAT teams and
vast stocks of ammunition—for what, I ask?) is an armed citizenry. Our Founders
knew this and wrote of it—“the militia” was the entire population of armed
adults capable of mustering against governmental oppression, not just the
Militias or National Guard under government authorization. I think it was a
perhaps necessary provocation by armed citizens, that produced the reasonable
reaction by BLM to back off, return the seized cattle (minus some calf deaths)
and, hopefully, pursue their case against Bundy in a less militarized, less
dictatorial manner.
I must call attention to one of the most despicable,
hypocritical and arrogant Senators in history: Harry Reid of Nevada (decried
“lawlessness” by Bundy). To most on the progressive left, “lawlessness” is
subject to their interpretation: Immigration laws are apparently meant to be
broken, I mean adapted to consider the needs of the masses who broke our laws
to be here. Obamacare getting rewritten at Obama’s whim—not a problem. In
Reid’s case, he is accused of illegally taking six-figure bribes to make “a
federal investigation into (Jeremy Johnson’s) company quietly disappear” (Salt
Lake Tribune). Guilt is yet to be determined. Reid never expressed a discouraging
word over then-Pres. Bill Clinton’s felonious actions obstructing justice, as
determined by courts.
Along with numerous Democrats, Reid has zero shame
calling the militia and armed citizens at the BLM/Bundy confrontation “domestic
terrorists.” Leftists never said a bad word about gun-wielding Black Panthers
in the 1960s, as I recall.
Finally, has Reid ever called Islamist murderers
“terrorists”, such as Capt. Hassan’s terrorist attack on unarmed people at Ft.
Hood? Did Reid or media reporters identify Hassan as a “Soldier of Allah”
(stated on his own business card)? However, “neo-nazi” and “white supremacist”
accompanied every mention of the guy who killed people at the Jewish centers in
Kansas. Duplicitous hacks and speech manipulators proliferate in Congress and
the news media.
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